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Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Turkey’s Internal Power Struggle

Reining in the Gülenists can be seen as a welcome development, but it will also consolidate Erdoğan’s already alarming monopolization of power… Continue reading

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The End of Taraf: The Liberals Have Outlived their Usefulness for the AKP

The mood among the few remaining, scattered liberal voices in the Turkish media landscape is gloomy as critical expression in Turkey is being systematically narrowed… Continue reading

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For Turkey as a Model in the Middle East, America Remains Crucial

The Turkish presumption to be a “model” for the Middle East will be undermined if the United States were to withdraw from the affairs of the region… Continue reading

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Contemporary Kemalist Intellectuals: Europeanizers Against Europe?

During the last decades, Kemalism, the modernization ideology of the Republic of Turkey, has been vehemently criticized… Continue reading

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Turkey trots toward Islamism

The Turkish regime is gradually suppressing freedom as its society moves steadily toward a more hardline Islamic identity… Continue reading

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This Week, Turkey Went a Long Way Toward Becoming an Islamic Republic

Hardly surprising, deeply upsetting, and geostrategically catastrophic, it’s official. Turkey has now passed over towards being an Islamist state… Continue reading

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Remolding Compulsory Education, the AKP Erases a Secularist Legacy – and Seeks to Check the Gülen Brotherhood

The passage of the bill that remolds compulsory education in Turkey erases the legacy of the secularist military intervention fifteen years ago… Continue reading

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After the Arab Spring, Salafists are Moving Closer to Changing the Face of the Maghreb

Now the initial euphoria about the Arab revolts has subsided, it’s clear the ‘Arab Spring’ will not bring a liberal, secular, Western (or Islamic) model of democracy to the Arab world… Continue reading

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The Changing Objects of Fear: The Arrest of Ilker Basbug

In the early hours of January 6, General İlker Başbuğ, chief of the Turkish General Staff from 2008 to 2010, was arrested and imprisoned on allegations of “founding or directing an armed terrorist organization, inciting the overthrow of the government of the Turkish Republic or the prevention of it fulfilling its duties”… Continue reading

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Has Erdogan Reached His “Democratic Limits”?

Internal and external dynamics no longer compel Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to transcend his democratic limits… Continue reading

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Turkey: in between Political Islam and the Military

This paper analyses the impact of domestic dynamics on its relations with Israel during the current AKP government and the RP led government in the 1990s… Continue reading

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Turkey’s Foreign Policy “Revolution”: Assuming a “NeoConservative” Mission in the Middle East?

The Arab spring has catapulted democracy and human rights to the top of Turkey’s stated foreign policy priorities… Continue reading

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Erdogan’s North African Tour: Turkey’s Regional Aspirations and Western Interests

The September 12-16 tour of Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to Egypt, Tunisia and Libya has occasioned the question what role… Continue reading

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Jesus Christ: The – politically correct – Way

A widely syndicated article by Reuters raises a number of important ethical questions about the media today… Continue reading

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Turkey: Two More Steps Toward Islamism

In Washington DC they are still ridiculing the idea that Turkey’s government is Islamist… Continue reading

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“Christian Terrorism”?

In light of the Norway terrorist attack, and as expected, the hail of religious relativism has begun… Continue reading

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Turkey’s Election: Last Exit Before Toll

Because Turkey’s election Sunday is of such huge importance, not only for Turkey but for the region as a whole, Western interests, Israel, and… Continue reading

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Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu: “We Need to Hinder the Despotic Ambitions of AKP”

In this exclusive interview for Turkish Policy Quarterly, Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu outlines his views and his Party’s position on the pressing foreign policy choices Turkey faces… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks Scandal Deprives Turkey’s Ruling Party of its Cherished American Cover

U.S. power still matters in Turkey, and the revelation that the AKP does not enjoy universal American support is unwelcome news for the ruling party. The perception that it enjoyed full U.S. support was instrumental in the… Continue reading

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Changing Of The Guard: Judicial Reforms Reinforce Concerns About the AKP’s Increasing Authoritarianism

The restructuring of the Supreme Board of Judges and Prosecutors (HSYK), which is responsible for appointments and disciplinary procedures in the Turkish judicial system, was one of the key reforms in the package of constitutional amendments which were approved in a referendum… Continue reading

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Turkey’s New Political Balance: Old AKP and New Kemalism

Turkey’s protracted political battle between the governing Justice and Development Party, or AKP, and its opponents reached a crescendo this month with the Turkish Parliament’s vote on proposed constitutional amendments… Continue reading