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What Does Turkey Hope to Achieve with Its War Threats Against Syria?

The Turkish government appears to hope to deter the continued Syrian – and Iranian – deployment of the Kurdish card against Turkey… Continue reading

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Obama on His Own Middle East Record: Zero Percent Success

Obama is not listening to what the people who are fighting the U.S. say about this fight… Continue reading

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Getting Priorities Wrong in Egypt and Syria: Three Media Case Studies

Focus is everything — knowing what the central problem is, and dealing with it… Continue reading

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Which Way for Syria? Listen to the Sermons

The closer one gets to ground level in the Middle East, the crazier things become… Continue reading

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What Happened in Egypt

A short history of democracy in Egypt… Continue reading

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Who’s Really Isolated? He Who Misunderstands Middle East Realities

One of the mantras from Israel’s supposed foreign well-wishers is that the country is now “isolated.” Sure, on the surface this makes sense… Continue reading

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Lebanon: Fractured Past, Bleak Present

Bill Harris is one of the world’s leading authorities on Lebanon. In this interview he discusses politics there; the possibilities of war with Israel; how Western policy let down the moderates; and the dramatic effects of the Syrian civil war on that neighboring country… Continue reading

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Will the Rebels Win Syria’s Civil War and What That Means

The tide seems to be turning in Syria… Continue reading

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Israel is in Good Shape Because So Many Others Decided Not to Be

The more I think about Israel’s security situation at this moment, the better it looks… Continue reading

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Obama’s spectacular failure

Obama came into office with a theory on which he based his Middle East policy. His theory was that jihadists hate America because the US supports Israel… Continue reading

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Turkey and Syria: An Undeclared State of War

After Syria’s downing of a Turkish aircraft over the eastern Mediterranean, the question is not so much why Syria shot it down as why the two neighbors have become embroiled in a confrontation in the first place… Continue reading

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Philadelphia and the Burqa Bandits

Some scoff at the idea that face-covering Islamic veils endanger public safety in any Western nation, let alone the United States, but… Continue reading

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Turkey’s Leadership Ambitions in NATO Weakened by Petty Politics

NATO’s May 20-21 heads-of-state summit in Chicago reminded everyone how Turkey is making important contributions to NATO in many key areas… Continue reading

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Why Should Obama Help Bring America’s Second-Worst Enemies to Power?

Here’s still another of a series of self-serving leaks from the Obama Administration. In this case, it reveals something very important about policy… Continue reading

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Thoughts on Iran, Nuclear Weapons, and Tehran’s Regional Role

Months ago, I wrote that the hysteria about Israel allegedly being about to attack Iran and the argument by some that Israel should do so were nonsense… Continue reading

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Muslim Brotherhood Claims Victory in Presidential Elections; Signals Egyptian-Islamist/Hamas Jihad Against Israel?

A group of terrorists has attacked Israel from Egyptian territory Monday morning. As for the presidential election, the Brotherhood candidate, Muhammad al-Mursi, seems the likely winner… Continue reading

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Clearest and Briefest Possible Summary of the Situation in Syria

There are three possible outcomes to the Syrian civil war… Continue reading

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The Al Houla atrocity: The outcome of nuclear diplomacy with Iran

Bashar Assad and his army chiefs can safely carry on with their “unspeakable crimes” for the next six months under the Iranian-Russian umbrella… Continue reading

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Mexican Jihad

As the United States considers the Islamic jihadi threats confronting it from all sides, it would do well to focus on its southern neighbor, Mexico… Continue reading

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Latin America as an Arena for Iranian-Hezbollah Terrorism

Iran regards Latin America as an arena for terrorist activity, which the Iranian regime considers an instrument for promoting its strategic objectives… Continue reading

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Turkey-Iraq Relations: From Bad to Worse

Relations between the governments of Iraq and Turkey continue to deteriorate… Continue reading

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Two Obama Administration Scandals on Syria?

When a delegation of Syrian Kurdish rebels recently visited Washington DC, the State Department met them to ask for a favor. What was it?… Continue reading

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The Obama Government Backs the Atrocity-Producing Forces So How Will it Stop Atrocities?

How can one write satire when the Obama Administration has created an Atrocities Prevention Board to prevent mass murder and genocide at the same time as it has been largely supporting the forces most likely to commit mass murder and genocide… Continue reading

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Values and Identity: The Resurgence of the Kurdish Hizbullah

Hundreds of thousands of people gathered in the center of Diyarbakır for a celebration of the Prophet Muhammad’s birth. The event was organized by a coalition of NGOs affiliated with the radical Sunni Islamist organization known in Turkey as Hizbullah… Continue reading

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U.S. Syrian Policy: A Massacre in Progress; A Disgrace in the Making

U.S. policy toward Syria is turning into a scandal on both strategic and humanitarian grounds… Continue reading