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Palestinians Renege on Security Ties with Israel

For the first time since 2006, the Palestinian Authority’s security services on the West Bank have stopped cooperating with the IDF in operations and intelligence-sharing for countering terrorism… Continue reading

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Now Anyone Can Understand That Israel Isn’t About to Attack Iran

Or, as Homer Simpson would explain it, “Doh!”… Continue reading

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Explaining Turkey’s Nuclear Policies

Despite its challenging neighborhood, Turkey has an exemplary nuclear nonproliferation record… Continue reading

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Sinai Bedouin, Palestinian and al Qaeda gangs are plotting Terrorist Attacks to blow up the Egyptian-Israel Peace Accords

Their plans entail sending terrorists across the Egyptian Sinai border for attacks on Israelis to generate Israeli military incursions into Egyptian territory in hot pursuit of the perpetrators… Continue reading

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Obama’s “Secret” Plan on Iran’s Nuclear Weapons Issue and Why It Will Fail

The problem with the Obama administration is that it wants to pursue policies that may be acceptable to the day-dreaming cultural elite, but not to… Continue reading

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Can Afghanistan Be Rescued?

U.S. president Barack Obama entered office with a bold plan to combat Afghanistan’s escalating insurgency… Continue reading

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Solomon’s Wisdom on Revolutionary Islamism and Terrorism

Hussein Solomon is a South African professor who is the leading expert on revolutionary Islamist terrorism in his own country and Africa generally… Continue reading

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Reinventing a Broken Wheel: The AKP’s ‘New’ Kurdish Strategy

On 21 March 2012, Turkish government officials began briefing trusted journalists on what they described as the new strategy of the ruling AKP for solving the country’s long-running Kurdish problem… Continue reading

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Iran Nuclear Talks: What were the six points Obama sent Khamenei through Erdogan?

Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan visited Tehran and personally handed Obama’s six-point message to Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei… Continue reading

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The Syrian Uprising: Turkish-Syrian Relations Go Downhill

As Syria sinks deeper and deeper into the throes of civil war, the decade-long honeymoon between Turkey’s ruling Justice and Development Party and Bashar al-Assad’s regime has all but ended… Continue reading

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Does the West Have to Be So Weak on Syria … and Everywhere Else?

America has started to leave our region and there will be no ally left to you… Continue reading

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The Syrian Uprising: The Muslim Brotherhood Reborn

As Syrian president Bashar al-Assad struggles to contend with a massive popular uprising, the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood is poised to dominate whatever coalition of forces manages to unseat the Baathist regime… Continue reading

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Obama Hearts Turkish Leader Erdogan As He Oppresses His Own People and Stabs America in the Back

President Barack Obama is continuing his love affair with Turkish Islamist leader Recep Erdogan… Continue reading

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In 2011, US primacy in the Middle East died; In 2012, The Funeral Will Be Held

In the Middle East, the vultures are coming home to roost… Continue reading

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Why Obama’s Policy Will Probably Bring War with Iran Some Day

President Barack Obama hasn’t changed but the situation has, in part due to his actions… Continue reading

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Egypt is a Volcano, The West Snoozes, But Israel Won’t Play the Role of Pompeii

Those who are, or will soon be, governing Egypt view themselves as being at war with Israel for all practical purposes… Continue reading

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What a War with Iran Really Means

It is quite right to be worried and hesitant about entering a war with Iran… Continue reading

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How the U.S. Army Sees The Arabs, Islam, and Middle Eastern Societies

What do you tell soldiers who are risking their lives on Middle East battlefields about the people they are fighting for and against simultaneously?… Continue reading

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Obama: Please Apologize for Burning American Credibility

It should be obvious by now that President Barack Obama and his administration don’t know some basic things about the conduct of international relations… Continue reading

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Ankara and Washington Ponder Next Moves in Syria

Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu has just completed a well-timed visit to Washington… Continue reading

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Middle East Myths Metastasize, Iran War Hysteria Rages Onward

Much written and said about the Middle East has always been fantasy. And number one on that list is the war hysteria with Iran… Continue reading

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Azerbaijan as an Arena for Iranian and Hezbollah Terrorism and Subversion

Azerbaijan, despite its being a Shi’ite Muslim country, has a strong pro-Western orientation and, to Iran’s dissatisfaction, maintains good relations with Israel… Continue reading

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Thailand and Southeast Asia as Arenas for Iranian and Hezbollah Terrorism and Subversion

Since the late 1980s, Southeast Asia, particularly Thailand, has been a favorite theater of terrorist operations for Iran and Hezbollah… Continue reading

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Turkey as an Arena for Iranian and Hezbollah Terrorism and Subversion

Turkey and Iran often state that there has been peace along their border for more than four hundred years… Continue reading

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Analysis: Iranian and Hezbollah Terrorist Attacks against Israeli Targets Abroad

For the past half year Iran and Hezbollah have organized and carried out a terrorist campaign against Israeli targets abroad… Continue reading