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Syria: Minority Regions Braced for Civil War

Two of Syria’s most important minorities, the Alawites and the Druzes, fear that… Continue reading

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Cyprus on the World Stage

Cyprus, an island near Turkey and Syria of roughly 1.3 million inhabitants, finds itself on the cusp of momentous change… Continue reading

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How Do We Know Definitively That Israel’s Critics Are Wrong? Because of What They Say

I realized that there was a totally different and far more revealing way of approaching this issue… Continue reading

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Assad threatens to destroy Tel Aviv if attacked by Turkey or NATO

War tensions between Turkey, NATO and Syria shot up again with the announcement from Ankara that… Continue reading

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FM John Baird Addresses the General Debate of the 66th Session of the General Assembly

We will not go along with the unilateral actions of the Palestinian Authority. We uphold Israel’s right to exist. The Jewish state is on the front line of our struggle and its people the victims of terror. Canada will not accept or stay silent while the Jewish state is attacked for defending its territory and its citizens… Continue reading

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FM Hina Rabbani Khar Addresses the General Debate of the 66th Session of the General Assembly

Our nation is united in its determination to eliminate the spectre of terrorism from our soil, from our region and the world… Continue reading

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The ‘Unsustainable Status Quo’ Status Quo is Unsustainable

Many people are obviously and understandably frustrated that Israel is so badly treated by the Mug-gers complex in much of the Western world… Continue reading

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Archbishop Dominique Mamberti Addresses the General Debate of the 66th Session of the General Assembly

Christians suffered the most persecution worldwide because of their faith… Continue reading

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FM Uri Rosenthal Addresses the General Debate of the 66th Session of the General Assembly

The call for freedom and democracy from the streets of the Arab world has brought about great change… Continue reading

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Iran: Turkey criticized over its decision to deploy anti-missile radar in Turkish territory

Turkey came under increasing criticism from Iran this week over its decision to sign an agreement allowing the United States to deploy… Continue reading

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FM Mohamed Kamel Ali Amr Addresses the General Debate of the 66th Session of the General Assembly

It has become totally absurd to carry on talking about a peace process while Israel continues… Continue reading

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PM Benjamin Netanyahu Addresses the General Debate of the 66th Session of the General Assembly

President Abbas, I extend my hand — the hand of Israel — in peace. I hope that you will grasp that hand… Continue reading

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PM David Cameron Addresses the General Debate of the 66th Session of the General Assembly

The people of the Arab world have made their aspirations clear… Continue reading

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President Christofias Addresses the General Debate of the 66th Session of the General Assembly

Cyprus still suffers from the occupation of a large part of its territory by the military forces of Turkey… Continue reading

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King Abdullah II Bin Al Hussein Addresses the General Debate of the 66th Session of the General Assembly

A two-state solution, that ends the conflict by meeting the needs of both sides, is and can be the only secure and lasting peace… Continue reading

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President Sleiman Addresses the General Debate of the 66th Session of the General Assembly

It is important to underscore the rightful Palestinian efforts aiming at earning the recognition of the State of Palestine and its full membership to the United Nations… Continue reading

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President Sarkozy Addresses the General Debate of the 66th Session of the General Assembly

Should such threats be made, France would immediately and wholeheartedly stand beside Israel… Continue reading

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President Obama Addresses the General Debate of the 66th Session of the General Assembly

There’s one issue that stands as a test for these principles and a test for American foreign policy, and that is the conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians… Continue reading

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Turkish-Israeli Relations: Empty Threats or a Looming Crisis?

The rapprochement between Turkey and Israel during the 1990s was primarily driven by Turkey’s secular elite… Continue reading

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Israeli security forces exposed Hamas terrorist cells in Judea and Samaria

Israeli security forces exposed Hamas terrorist cells in Judea and Samaria… Continue reading

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Embassy Attack: The enemy of our enemy is our friend

Israeli advocacy groups often lament that the world hates Israel… Continue reading

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Once More Into the Swamp: The Attack on Israel’s Embassy Opens A New Era in Middle East History

The attack and looting of Israel’s embassy in Cairo is an event as significant as the seizure of the U.S. embassy in Iran… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Lebanese PM Mikati described Hezbollah as ‘tumor’

Lebanese Prime Minister Najib Mikati described Shi’a Muslim terrorist group Hizballah as a “tumor”… Continue reading

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Erdogan drives toward armed clash with Israel

Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan this week coolly moved his country step by provocative step towards an armed clash with Israel… Continue reading

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Israel’s Strategic Situation: Plenty to Worry About But Little to Fear

Since much of what I write about regional politics seems pessimistic… Continue reading