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Testimonies from IDF Naval Commandos Who Participated in the Raid on the Mavi Marmara

Detailed testimony from IDF officers and soldiers, supported by documentation, reveals for the first time the aggressive, brutal fighting carried out by IHH operatives and their accomplices against Israeli forces aboard the… Continue reading

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Interview With Turkish Journalist Who Was On The Mavi Marmara Contradicts UN Report

In a TV interview, Turkish journalist Şefik Dinç, who was on the Mavi Marmara and wrote a book about it, said that no shots were fired from the Israeli helicopters and that IDF soldiers did not open fire until their lives were in danger. The interview clearly contradicts the IHH narrative and… Continue reading

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Turkish Journalist: Mavi Marmara Crisis Was a Calculated Gamble

Preparations made by IHH for confrontation with the IDF and the violence exercised by that organization’s operatives as photographed and documented in a book by Şefik Dinç, a Turkish journalist who took part in the Mavi Marmara flotilla… Continue reading