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Iranian Delegation shows solidarity with the “Marmara Shaheeds” and Freedom Flotilla 2 to Gaza

An Iranian delegation participated in events held by the IHH in Istanbul on the anniversary of the Marmara flotilla… Continue reading

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Internal Palestinian Clashes Following the Naksa Day Events

Following the Naksa Day events, there was strong internal Palestinian criticism of Ahmed Jibril’s organization, affiliated with the Syrian regime… Continue reading

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23 Anti-Israel Organizations Affiliated with Radical Islam and Radical Left Participate in the Upcoming Freedom Flotilla 2 to Gaza

The IHH website recently posted a provisional list of 23 organizations which have signed up for Freedom Flotilla 2… Continue reading

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Turkish Islamist Delegation uses Violent Methods during anti-Israeli Propaganda Activities

A Turkish Islamist delegation, which in our assessment included IHH activists, was involved in violent clashes with Jordanian security forces… Continue reading

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“Peace Activists” Paving the Way for the Use of Force and Violence on New Flotilla

A speech by IHH leader Bülent Yildirim and a document which appeared on the ISM website about applying to participate in the voyage… Continue reading

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IHH Leader: “We have only one problem, the virus called Zionism”

IHH leader Bülent Yildirim said the upcoming flotilla to the Gaza Strip might be delayed. He added that in addition to the flotilla… Continue reading

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Hamas Tries to Exploit the Egyptian Revolution

Hamas tries to take advantage of the events in Egypt and its ties with the Muslim Brotherhood to improve its standing with the Egyptian government and to… Continue reading

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Testimonies from IDF Naval Commandos Who Participated in the Raid on the Mavi Marmara

Detailed testimony from IDF officers and soldiers, supported by documentation, reveals for the first time the aggressive, brutal fighting carried out by IHH operatives and their accomplices against Israeli forces aboard the… Continue reading

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Palestinians No Peace Partner: Delegitimization of Israel Continues

Khaled Mashaal, head of the Hamas political bureau, gave a speech at the founding convention held in Damascus of “The national authority for adherence to Palestinian principles.” He noted five basic “principles” which he said most of the Palestinians… Continue reading

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Viva Palestina ‘Humanitarian Aid’ Convoy and Hamas Defame Israel

The Viva Palestina convoy arrived in the Gaza Strip and was given festive ceremonies by senior Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad figures. They stressed the Hamas themes of the establishment of a Palestinian state instead of the State of Israel and glorified shaheeds of the Palestinian terrorist… Continue reading

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Videos Timeline of Flotilla Incident as Presented by Eiland Team of Experts

The film, produced by the Eiland Team of Experts, breaks down the events of the flotilla using a timeline that alternates between 3D models and footage… Continue reading

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IHH Activists Previously Declared Their Desire to Become Shaheeds

An analysis of the names of the Turks killed in the violent confrontation with the IDF aboard the Mavi Marmara shows that almost all of them… Continue reading

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The Union of Good

Hamas has formed a social-infrastructure network based on charity funds from the Territories and abroad as part of the Islamic Zakkat (=charity) decree. Some of these funds are used to support terror… Continue reading

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Eight Casualties On Board the Mavi Marmara Were members of Turkish Islamist organizations

Since the violent confrontation aboard the ship Mavi Marmara, a great deal of information accumulated making it possible to identify the nine Turkish nationals killed in the confrontation, as well as to analyze their affiliation and political and ideological… Continue reading

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Video Overview of Israel Navy Interception of the Gaza Flotilla

Clip produced by official Israeli sources, describing the Israeli Navy’s interception of the Mavi Marmara of the Gaza Flotilla, which met with pre-planned violence on the part of… Continue reading

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The Media’s Skewed Gaza Flotilla Coverage

Live report from Ashdod examining how the media skewed the Gaza Flotilla event to portray Israel as the aggressors… Continue reading

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The Palestinian Authority Continues to Use Terrorists as Role Models

The Palestinian Authority continues to use terrorists as Role Models. On April 20, a street in Ramallah was named after Khalil al-Wazir (Abu Jihad), the former leader of the Fatah military wing and responsible for several terrorist attacks… Continue reading

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Turning Shaheeds Into Role Models – Part 2

The Palestinian Authority still allows and even encourages shaheeds to be turned into role models: in Ramallah a street is named after Yahya Ayash, the Hamas operative called… Continue reading

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Turning Shaheeds into Role Models

Fatah unofficially inaugurated the Dalal al-Magribi Square in Al-Bireh, named after a Fatah terrorist who participated in the mass-murder attack on Israel’s Coastal Road (1978)… Continue reading

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Hamas Legitimizes the Rocket Attacks at Israel

As part of the response to the Goldstone Report that defines the rocket attacks as a “crime of war”, Hamas’s judicial system brings up claims legitimizing the rocket attacks at Israel and rejecting the legitimacy of the State of Israel… Continue reading