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Welcome to the Islamist Middle East and It’s Not Going to be Moderate

The New York Times and BBC headlines on the Tunisian elections tell us it is a victory for “moderate Islamists”… Continue reading

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Will Libya Be A Radical Islamist State?

The shadowy, scattered and underground Islamist forces have become powerful… Continue reading

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The Closing of the Muslim Mind

Far from being absurd aberrations to be dismissed, such accounts… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Turkish FM Davutoglu: “Yes, We are the New Ottomans”

Turkey is aspiring to broaden its horizons to include not just Europe but the Middle East, North Africa, and Central Asia in its strategic… Continue reading

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Iran: the fight for the veil

Former top advisor to President Ahmadinejad said in an interview that the chador (the long veil used in Iran) is inappropriate for Iranian women… Continue reading

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Mubarak Deceived Israel as Muhammad Deceived Infidels?

In light of ousted president Hosni Mubarak’s ongoing trial, Western readers may be surprised to learn who some of… Continue reading

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Egypt: Why Are Christian Girls Converting to Islam?

Few things in Islam are as liable to provoke passion and violence as the issue of conversion… Continue reading

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A Lebanese Town’s Dilemma Teaches about Islam, Freedom, and the Future of Europe

So consider the south Lebanese town of Hula… Continue reading

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A Day in the Life of the Middle East: Egypt, Islamist Terrorism, Libya, Turkey

Where’s the outrage? Where’s the policy shift?… Continue reading

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A Warning From Norway

Almost lost in official Washington’s preoccupation with the partisan slug-fest over raising the debt ceiling and reducing the deficit was the… Continue reading

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Norway Terror Attack: Lessons and Illusions

Once one gets beyond the polemics and clichés, there is a huge amount that could be learned from an honest discussion about the mass murders in Norway… Continue reading

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Muslim Brotherhood: “Impose Islam… Step by Step”

Things are looking good for Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood, the grandfather of all Islamist groups… Continue reading

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Islamic jihadist organizations in Egypt ideologically originating in the Muslim Brotherhood

From the 1970s to the late 1990s, militant Islamic groups in Egypt posed the greatest challenge to the regime in terms of internal security… Continue reading

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A profile of Sheikh Dr. Yusuf al-Qaradawi

Sheikh Dr. Yusuf Abdallah al-Qaradawi is a central figure affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood… Continue reading

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The Muslim Brotherhood in other Arab countries and in Europe

Muslim Brotherhood branches started emerging in the Arab world in the 1930s and 1940s… Continue reading

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The Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood’s ties to its branches in Middle Eastern and Western countries

The Muslim Brotherhood emerged in Egypt as a fundamentally Egyptian Sunni-Muslim movement… Continue reading

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Profiles of prominent Muslim Brotherhood figures in Egypt

Most Muslim Brotherhood leaders and senior activists belong to the middle or upper-middle class… Continue reading

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The development of political discourse in the Muslim Brotherhood and the 2007 election platform

The changing economic, social, and political reality in Egypt, and the movement’s increasing integration into the local political system… Continue reading

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The Muslim Brotherhood’s stance on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict

The Muslim Brotherhood’s stance on the existence of the State of Israel is dictated by its fundamental ideological principles… Continue reading

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The Muslim Brotherhood’s struggle against the various Egyptian regimes and other challenges facing it

In its 83-year existence, Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood has become the largest socio-religious movement… Continue reading

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The structure and funding sources of the Muslim Brotherhood

The Muslim Brotherhood has been outlawed in Egypt since the 1950s. Consequently, it has created an organizational structure designed to… Continue reading

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The Muslim Brotherhood’s education, preaching, and social activity

The Muslim Brotherhood emerged first and foremost as a movement that embodies an Islamic mission whose goal is… Continue reading

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The ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood

Since its very beginning, the Muslim Brotherhood was based on ideological foundations that first emerged as a result of… Continue reading

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The historical evolution of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt

The Muslim Brotherhood is the largest religious-social movement in the modern era… Continue reading

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The Muslim Brotherhood

The Muslim Brotherhood is an Islamic mass movement whose worldview is based on the belief that “Islam is the solution” and… Continue reading