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Iran: Growing Demands to Put Opposition Leaders to Trial

In the past week, there have been growing demands to put the reformist opposition leaders to trial following the reformist opposition demonstrations… Continue reading

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Iran and the “New Middle East” vision: “Time is on our side”

Iran once again portrayed the developments in the Arab world as reflecting the formation of a new Middle East inspired by the Islamic revolution… Continue reading

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Islamic Union Students Protest Massacre of Libyans by Gaddafi Regime

A number of university students from across the country staged a demonstration outside the United Nations office in Tehran to voice… Continue reading

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Egypt: Escaped Hezbollah Terrorist Participated in Hezbollah Rally in Beirut

Sami Shihab, a Hezbollah operative who escaped from an Egyptian prison, participated in a Hezbollah rally in Beirut. His network infiltrated… Continue reading

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Iran and the post-Mubarak “New Middle East”

Iran’s conservative media gave extensive coverage of President Mubarak’s resignation, claiming that the fall of the Egyptian president heralds the dawn of… Continue reading

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Kerry Plays With Fire by Backing an Uprising in Bahrain

U.S. senator John Kerry, who when I worked in the Senate was regarded as…let’s just say as not a great genius, is now chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: No Evidence of Iran’s Hand in Bahrain Simmering Unrest

The United States has repeatedly dismissed claims by the Bahraini government that Shia Muslim unrest in the Gulf island state is backed by Iran… Continue reading

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Muslim Brotherhood: “Egypt Should Develop in All Spheres Like Iran and have a President Like Ahmadinejad”

Since the start of the Egyptian Januari 25 revolution leaders of Egypt’s primary opposition party, the Muslim Brotherhood, are being questioned about how… Continue reading

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Iranian Students Urge Muslims to Chant ‘Allah-o-Akbar’ in Solidarity with Egyptians, Tunisians

The Association of Unity among Muslim Students called on Muslims around the world to chant ‘Allah-o-Akbar’ (God is Great) slogan on Thursday night in a unified move to voice their solidarity… Continue reading

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Key Role of Speedboats in Iran’s Naval Doctrine

Iran’s Defense Minister Brigadier General Ahmad Vahidi underlined that use of speedboats is at the heart of the Iranian Navy’s operational doctrine since… Continue reading

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Iranian Opposition Leader Mousavi on Egypt and Tunisia Rebellions

It is interesting to point out that there are two Iranian models for what’s happening now. I am not saying that anyone is consciously thinking in these terms… Continue reading

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Hizbullah Candidate Mikati to Form New Lebanese Government

Lebanese President Michel Sleiman appointed ex-premier Najib Mikati today as Lebanon’s new prime minister and tasked him with forming a cabinet… Continue reading

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Religious Ruling Bans Use of “Islamic” Mobile Phones in Bathrooms

Top conservative cleric Ayatollah Ja’far Sobhani has recently ruled that religious law forbids the use of mobile phones containing Islamic contents in bathrooms… Continue reading

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Iran Bans Women from Watching Live Broadcasts of Soccer Matches

The Iranian Labour News Agency (ILNA) reported that Iranian authorities have ordered a ban on women from watching live broadcasts of soccer matches at public movie… Continue reading

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Iran’s Crackdown on “Soft War”

Hamid-Reza Fouladgar, member of the Majles Article 10 Commission on Political Parties, announced last week that, in accordance with recent changes in the Parties Law, political… Continue reading

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Supreme Leader’s Website Presents: Thoughts and Lessons from 2009 Riots

Last week, Iran marked the anniversary of the violent clashes that had broken out in late December 2009 between security forces and the reformist opposition, after which the protest movement was effectively suppressed… Continue reading

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Hizbullah Resignation Only Demonstrate Their Fear

Members of the powerful Hezbollah movement and its allies brought down Lebanon’s unity government Wednesday after resigning from Prime Minister Saad Hariri’s Cabinet. Minister of State… Continue reading

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Ahmadinejad’s Office Chief Provokes Outrage Once Again

Ahmadinejad’s office chief Esfandiar Rahim Masha’i provoked another outrage this week after making two controversial remarks recently. Speaking at an artists’ convention held in the city of Arak in… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Indian Muslims Reject Extremist Creeds

India’s over 150 million Muslim population is largely unattracted to extremism. India’s growing economy, vibrant democracy, and inclusive culture, encourage Muslims to seek success and social mobility in the mainstream and… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Don’t Tell Us What To Do, India Warns U.S.

In a meeting shortly after controversial stopover visit of Iranian president – who told Indian prime minister that the “world is changing in Iran’s favour” – Delhi’s top diplomat was uncomplimentary about the visitor to… Continue reading

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Iran’s New Foreign Minister: Ties with Saudi Arabia Top Priority

What is the highest priority for Iranian foreign policy–I mean the official and public foreign policy, not spreading revolution and terrorism–today? According to the new foreign minister it’s developing strong relations with… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Arabische Staten Minachten Iran

De uitgelekte documenten van het Amerikaanse Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken laten een litanie van klachten zien van de Saoedisch en kleinere Golfstaten, alsmede Egypte, Jordanië en anderen, over onderwerpen zoals de nucleaire ambities van Teheran, de Iraanse betrokkenheid in Irak en… Lees verder

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Iranian Young Adults Arrested At Mixed-Gender Party in Tehran

Tehran Province internal security forces said that in recent days, the Tehran police had raided four mixed-gender parties in northern Tehran. Fifty young men and women were arrested at one of the parties, including three famous soccer players… Continue reading

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Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei Hails the Unique and Undeniable Role of Basij

Since their founding by Ayatollah Khomeiny, they were also used in suppressing democratic movements in Iran and opponents of the Ayatollah regime. The Basij helped Ahmadinejad and the security forces to crush the mass protests against the frauduleus elections… Continue reading

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Iranian Authorities Continue Crackdown On Rap Music

Earlier this week, Tehran Province police chief Hossein Sajediniya reported the arrest of several young Iranians belonging to underground rap groups. He said that intelligence had made it possible for the public safety police to track down and capture the group members… Continue reading