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More Iranian Posters to Persuade Women to Wear a Hijab

If you’re a regular visitor to our website, you’ll probably know that we published an article on August 09, 2010 about an Iranian website promoting chastity and hijab by using posters, clothes and bags. We also showed you some posters which they use for their promotional activities, because it gives us a… Continue reading

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Revolutionary Guards Strongly Criticized President Ahmadinejad for Remarks About the Majles

In an unusual move, Payam-e Enghelab, a monthly published on behalf of the Supreme Leader’s representative in the Revolutionary Guards, strongly criticized President Ahmadinejad for his recent remarks about the status of the Majles… Continue reading

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Wikifeqh, The Wikipedia For Islamic Religious Law

Seyyed Mehdi Khamoushi, the head of the Islamic Ideology Dissemination Organization, announced this week the coming launch of Wikifeqh, an online encyclopedia which is based on “wiki” technology and includes articles on Islamic religious law and the principles of Islam… Continue reading

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Syria Helps Hizbullah Build Anti-Israel Army in North Lebanon

Syria has helped Hizbullah entrench itself in northern Lebanon with 40,000 long-range missiles and 10,000 militia men, increasing its war capability against Israel, the French daily Le Figaro reported Tuesday… Continue reading

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President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s 2006 Letter to President George W. Bush

On may 08, 2006, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has written a letter to U.S. President George W. Bush discussing the role of religion in foreign policy matters, the U.S. actions in Iraq and Afghanistan, the U.S.-Israel relationship, human rights (Guantanamo Bay, Abu Ghraib prison), the establishment of the State of Israel and Iran’s right to nuclear program. In the letter, Ahmadinejad criticizes Bush and suggests that… Continue reading

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Iran-Syria Bloc Consolidates Alliance With Turkish Regime

In effect, Ahmadinejad is saying: I insult America! I am leader of the Palestinian struggle! I’m going to get nuclear weapons! I’ve got it all. Now, if there was only some Western leadership to organize the other side there might be more hope of… Continue reading

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Terrorism Is Haram In Islam

Iranian Majlis Speaker Ali Larijani says Islam considers terrorism as “haram” (religiously prohibited), Mehr News Agency reported last week. Larijani made the remarks in an address to a gathering of officials… Continue reading

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Ahmadinejad’s Lebanon Visit Boost For Hezbollah

Thousands of cheering Hezbollah supporters welcomed Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to Lebanon on Wednesday. Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz called on Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad not to cause an irreversible situation during his visit to… Continue reading

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Iran’s Movie Industry Clashes With Ministry of Islamic Guidance

A serious conflict broke out in recent days between top personalities in Iran’s movie industry and the Ministry of Islamic Guidance. The conflict began following the 14th annual film festival held at Tehran’s Cinema House on September 16. In his acceptance speech, Farhadi criticized the government’s policy on culture and cinema, expressing… Continue reading

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Iranian Reformist Cleric Accuses Khamenei of Overstepping His Authorities

Ayatollah Ali-Mohammad Dastgheib, a top cleric affiliated with the reformist bloc, has recently published on his official website a religious ruling challenging the regime’s interpretation of the concept of “rule of the religious jurisprudent”, which has been in place since… Continue reading

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Broad-Based Support for President Ahmadinejad’s Speech to UN General Assembly

This week, Iranian media and top officials commended President Ahmadinejad for the speech given to the UN General Assembly last Thursday (September 23). In his address, the president claimed that the majority of the American people as well as other… Continue reading

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President Ahmadinejad Addresses the General Debate of the 65th Session of the General Assembly

After about one hundred years of domination, the system of Capitalism and the existing world order has proved to be unable to provide appropriate solution to the problems of societies, thus coming to an end. I shall try to examine the two main causes of this failure and picture some features of the ideal future order… Continue reading

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Quds Day Events Used to Support the Palestinian Cause and Hostility Towards Israel and the West

The Iranian regime took advantage of the annual Quds Day events to highlight an alternative political and ideological agenda to that of the US; strongly criticized the Israel-PA negotiations; called to continue the “resistance” (terrorism); and spread vicious incitement against Israel, the Jewish people, the US, and the West… Continue reading

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Understanding the Middle East: The Sources of Iranian Negotiating Behavior

This analysis identifies patterns exhibited by the Iranian government and the Iranian people since ancient times. Most importantly, it identifies critical elements of Iranian culture that have been systematically ignored by policymakers for decades… Continue reading

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Iran Crosses Critical Line For Nuclear-Arming Missiles

Iran has crossed the critical nuclear threshold taking it nearer to being able to arm ballistic missiles with nuclear warheads, weapons inspectors of the International Atomic Energy Agency reported last week… Continue reading

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Unprecedented Attack On Residence of Reformist Opposition Leader Mehdi Karoubi

Nearly one hundred pro-government rioters attacked the northern Tehran residence of reformist opposition leader Mehdi Karoubi. Saham News, a website affiliated with Karoubi, reported that the rioters had thrown stones and Molotov cocktails at… Continue reading

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Hezbollah and Shia Lebanese TV Channels Broadcast Anti-Christian and Anti-Semitic Series

For the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, Hezbollah’s Al-Manar TV and the Shi’ite Amal NBN-TV broadcast “The Christ,” an Iranian-produced series rife with an anti-Christian anti-Semitic expressions. The Lebanese Christians protested the program’s airing and it was taken off… Continue reading

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The Real Middle Eastern Cold War

This new Cold War represents the current ideological division in the Middle East between the “revolutionary bloc,” led chiefly by Iran, Syria, and more recently Turkey, and the “status-quo bloc,” led by Saudi Arabia and Egypt… Continue reading

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The Survival of Traditional Regimes in the Persian Gulf

If you had told experts in the mid-1960s that a half-century later every king and emir then ruling in the Persian Gulf would still be there, most would have been astonished… Continue reading

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Who will stop Iran’s Ahmadinejad?

We see that the government of Iran, the supreme leader, the president, the parliament, is being supplanted and that Iran is moving toward a military dictatorship. That is our view… Continue reading

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The Revolution Failed to Abolish Dictatorship in Iran

In a special interview granted last week by opposition leader Mir-Hossein Mousavi to the reformist website Kalemeh for the 31st anniversary of the Islamic revolution, Mousavi said that the revolution was unable to rid Iran of dictatorship. Mousavi noted that during the first years of the revolution… Continue reading

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The Islamic Torture Republic of Iran

Two dissidents were hanged in Iran last week and death sentences have been announced against several political activists who protested the fraudulent June election results. More will be going on trial in an attempt… Continue reading