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Obama’s ‘Crusades’ Idiocy

Obama’s interpretation of history… Continue reading

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Why Do Americans – Especially Among the Contemporary Elite – Believe Their Country is Evil?

The American elite has convinced itself and a large portion of the country’s youth that America’s whole history is evil… Continue reading

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The Middle East’s real apartheid

Arab/Muslim apartheid comes in many forms, and some victims have been subjected to more than one… Continue reading

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Egypt: If Tourists Can Wear Bikinis But Local Women Must Wear Chadors Does That Prove the Muslim Brotherhood is Moderate?

What if a democratically elected government decides to enforce such a system in a law legally passed by a democratically elected government? I guess that’s just democracy in action… Continue reading

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South Sudan, Israel’s New Ally

It’s not every day that the leader of a brand-new country makes his maiden foreign voyage to Jerusalem… Continue reading

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What Did the Norwegian Murderer Think?

Therefore, I condemn the shocking Norwegian-on-Norwegian, infidel-on-infidel, mainly Caucasian-on-Caucasian massacres… Continue reading

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Praising Military Slavery

If Saleh Al-Fawzan, a prominent Saudi religious figure justifies slavery in Islam, why not an Egyptian writer praise the Muslim practice of slavery… Continue reading

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“Slavery Is A Part Of Islam”

Sheik Saleh Al-Fawzan is a leading Saudi Government cleric and author of the country’s religious curriculum and he believes Islam advocates slavery. Remember that Saudi Arabia… Continue reading