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Iran: Supreme Leader orders establishment of “Supreme Cyber Council”

The decision to establish the council was made in response to the growth of information and telecommunications technology, particularly the global internet network, and its impact on individual and social life… Continue reading

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Iran ranks second in world for drug consumption

The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) reported last week that Iran ranks second in the world for drug consumption… Continue reading

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Iran Calls on Islamic Hackers to Enlist to the Iranian “Cyber War”

Gholam-Reza Jalali, the head of the Passive Resistance Organization, announced the coming establishment of the Cyber War Headquarters of the Islamic… Continue reading

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Iran: Ministry of Intelligence steps up Activities as Opposition Demonstrations Resume

Last Thursday (March 3), Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei held a brief visit to the Ministry of Intelligence headquarters in Tehran. Khamenei visited… Continue reading

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Iran’s Crackdown on “Soft War”

Hamid-Reza Fouladgar, member of the Majles Article 10 Commission on Political Parties, announced last week that, in accordance with recent changes in the Parties Law, political… Continue reading

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Supreme Leader’s Website Presents: Thoughts and Lessons from 2009 Riots

Last week, Iran marked the anniversary of the violent clashes that had broken out in late December 2009 between security forces and the reformist opposition, after which the protest movement was effectively suppressed… Continue reading

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Iranian Video Game Industry Used for Promoting Anti-Semitism and Jew-Hatred

A new video game titled “Attack on the Freedom Flotilla” was shown in Tehran this week at a ceremony attended by the deputy chief of the joint staffs of the armed forces on culture and media affairs and the Basij commander. The game deals with the IDF’s takeover of the ship Mavi Marmara this… Continue reading