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Solomon’s Wisdom on Revolutionary Islamism and Terrorism

Hussein Solomon is a South African professor who is the leading expert on revolutionary Islamist terrorism in his own country and Africa generally… Continue reading

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Changes in the Nature and Schedule of the African Aid Convoys to the Gaza Strip

According to updated information, changes were recently made in the route, schedule and nature of the South African convoy to the Gaza Strip… Continue reading

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South African anti-Israeli Islamic Organizations Organize Gaza-Bound Aid Convoy

An aid convoy to the Gaza Strip is being organized in South Africa by two anti-Israeli Islamic organizations. It is expected to leave at the end of… Continue reading

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Mary Robinson – Ireland’s Greatest In Pro-Palestinianism

Former President of Ireland Mary Robinson has probably done more harm to Israel than any other Irish citizen. She was United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights from 1997 to 2002 and was the architect of the Durban I anti-racism conference in 2001. Last year… Continue reading

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International Initiatives to Organize Flotillas Continue

International initiatives to organize flotillas and aid convoys to the Gaza Strip continue and the Egyptian Media Continue Attacking Hamas for the Rocket Fire at Eilat… Continue reading

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World Zionism Blamed for Brazil’s and Argentina’s Defeat in the World Cup Soccer

Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki expressed his satisfaction over the defeat of the US, England, and France at the World Cup in South Africa. Referring to the failure of the… Continue reading

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World Cup Teams Israelis and Palestinians Support

Without their own players in South Africa, Israelis and Palestinians are embracing international squads with the sort of passion usually reserved for the home team… Continue reading

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World Cup Teams Israelis Can Support

In a semi-satirical overview, Gil Hoffman, writes about which World Cup teams Israelis can root against or whom to cheer. Israelis are known as rabid soccer fans… Continue reading