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The Pragmatics of Lebanon’s Politics

Lebanese society has had a remarkable ability to overcome deep-rooted sectarian and religious divides that could readily have imploded less problematic countries… Continue reading

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Investigation Accuses Four Hizballah Officials of Killing Lebanon’s Leading Political Figure

Years of waiting have just about ended with the word from the international tribunal that four Hizballah officials… Continue reading

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Another ticking bomb under Assad: Hariri “Special Tribunal for Lebanon” heads for Damascus

The Lebanese capital was not the only first stop for a delegation of the UN-backed Special Tribunal for Lebanon… Continue reading

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Lebanon’s Radical pro-Iranian and pro-Syrian New Government

After five months of political stagnation, Lebanon has a new government… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: U.S. Ongoing Concerns about Syrian Behavior

Even as the U.S. take specific steps the U.S. will continue to have ongoing concerns about Syrian behavior that have not gone away because of a change in administrations… Continue reading

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UN Special Tribunal Submits Indictment in Hariri’s Assassination

Nearly six years after the assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, prosecutor Daniel Bellemare has submitted the long-awaited results of an international investigation… Continue reading

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Turkish PM Erdogan: Hizbullah Not Involved In Rafik Hariri Assassination

The Lebanese daily Al-Safir reported on Monday that Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan does not believe Hizbullah is connected to the 2005 Rafik Hariri assassination. Rafik Hariri was then Lebanese prime minister and is the father of the current Prime Minister Sa’ad Hariri… Continue reading