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Syria: No Longer Revolution, It is A Civil War, A Guide to the Battle

The only honest answer to the question of what will happen in Syria is… Continue reading

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Syrian army deserters hit intel facility near Damascus

The Assad regime suffered a major shock when self-styled “Free Syrian Army” deserters firing shoulder-borne rockets and… Continue reading

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Qatar’s Sunni Side

How could Qatar’s foreign policy best be defined during the Arab Spring… Continue reading

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Syria: Minority Regions Braced for Civil War

Two of Syria’s most important minorities, the Alawites and the Druzes, fear that… Continue reading

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What’s happening in the Middle East: Fleeing Christians, “Moderate” Imam, Mad Turkish Leader, Syrian Revolution

Christians are fleeing the Middle East and Western Christians are indifferent… Continue reading

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Assad threatens to destroy Tel Aviv if attacked by Turkey or NATO

War tensions between Turkey, NATO and Syria shot up again with the announcement from Ankara that… Continue reading

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Syrian Revolutionary Song Says It All

Wow, watch the less-than-four-minute video below and you get the flavor of the Middle East and the “Arab Spring” in every respect… Continue reading

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The Syrian Revolution 2011: First Protest Shooting in Damascus

The Syrian uprising took a new turn Tuesday, April 5, when armed protesters opened fire for the first time on security forces… Continue reading