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Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak resigns

Egyptian Vice President Omar Suleiman announced that the embattled president Hosni Mubarak has stepped down… Continue reading

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Mubarak’s Not the One Who Should Resign

This is not a game. This is the fate of the globe. This involves the lives of tens of millions of people. Partisanship and scoring political points is irrelevant… Continue reading

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Transcript of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak’s Speech, feb 10, 2011

Transcript of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak’s Speech, one published by the Washington Post, one published by CNN and the third by the BBC… Continue reading

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Mubarak’s Not Resigning and They Were All Wrong!

Well, that shows just how bad the media coverage has been! Mubarak is not resigning. He’s managing the “reform” process. He is appointing a committee to… Continue reading

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Do Egyptians Want a Relatively Secular, Stable Democracy?

Here is the real issue: What do the masses want? Remember, it is the people of Egypt — especially in an election — that will determine the outcome, not just… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Egypt’s Bloggers Take on Key Role as Political Activists

Egypt’s bloggers are playing an increasingly important role in broadening the scope of acceptable political and social discourse, and self-expression… Continue reading

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Thousands of Egyptian Protesters Defy Curfew, Violence Continues

A massive crowd of tens of thousands calling for the ouster of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak gathered in the streets and squares of downtown Cairo Saturday evening… Continue reading