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Noxious Nominations: The Four Horsemen of the American Foreign Policy Apocalypse

I did a lot of soul-searching before writing my latest article, yet within hours after its publication I concluded that I hadn’t been too pessimistic… Continue reading

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A Paradox of U.S. Middle East Policy: The Friend Who Acts like an Enemy is an Enemy

What’s the major problem for U.S. foreign policy during Obama’s second term… Continue reading

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Ayman Zawahiri and Egypt: A Trip Through Time

Around 1985, current al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri fled his homeland of Egypt, presumably never to return, he never forgot his original objective: transforming Egypt into an Islamist state that upholds and enforces the totality of Sharia law, and that works towards the resurrection of a global caliphate… Continue reading

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The Interview: “Explaining the Latest Middle East Developments” (No Satire)

Revised and updated version of an interview Barry Rubin gave recently… Continue reading

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Digging Up Arafat

Suddenly, I received all of these phone calls from journalists asking me to talk about who murdered the late Palestinian leader Yasir Arafat… Continue reading

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Who Won The Latest Israel-Hamas War?

Naturally the question of who won any given war preoccupies people’s minds… Continue reading

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Syria: Spillover into Iraq?

Is the resurgent of Al-Qaida in Iraq a result from the growing civil war in Syria… Continue reading

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A Hamas Divided

Whenever the Israel-Palestine conflict is in the news, too much ink is wasted over moralizing rather than analyzing… Continue reading

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So You Want to End the Israel-Hamas War? Here’s How to Do It

A lot of people have asked the purpose of Israel’s defensive war against Hamas… Continue reading

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Here’s How – As With This Israel-Hamas War – Western Elites Are Baffled by the Middle East

The elite currently in power in the Western mass media is never going to comprehend the Middle East… Continue reading

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Operation Amud Anan: Lessons for the World from a New Gaza War

The new war between Hamas and Israel has a lot of important lessons for international diplomacy and U.S. policy today… Continue reading

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Operation Amud Anan: Israel Launches Major Offensive into the Gaza Strip

Responding to a major upsurge of Hamas cross-border attacks from the Gaza Strip, Israel has launched its biggest military offensive since the 2008-2009 Gaza war… Continue reading

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Obama Re-Elected: What He Should Have Done in the Last Four Years and Won’t Do in the Next Four Years

Over and over again I’ve written about what President Barack Obama should do. Now the voters have given him a whole new chance… Continue reading

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The Pro-Islamist Obama Administration: A Case Study in Syria

It is obvious that the Syrian National Council was a Muslim Brotherhood front group, yet the Obama Administration backed it any way… Continue reading

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Romney’s Middle East Speech: I’ll be Tougher

Mitt Romney gave a speech at the Virginia Military Institute Monday which focuses on U.S. Middle East policy… Continue reading

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President Barack Obama Addresses the General Debate of the 67th Session of the General Assembly

President Barack Obama Addresses the General Debate of the 67th Session of the General Assembly… Continue reading

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Who’s Really Isolated? He Who Misunderstands Middle East Realities

One of the mantras from Israel’s supposed foreign well-wishers is that the country is now “isolated.” Sure, on the surface this makes sense… Continue reading

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The Meaning of the Egypt-Israel Cross-Border Attack

A 35-man seemingly bedouin terrorist team invaded an Egyptian army base in eastern Sinai, stole a truck and armored personnel carrier, and tried to crash the Israel border gate… Continue reading

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U.S. Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney Captures Jerusalem

Speaking to an often-cheering group of about 400 people in Jerusalem, Governor Mitt Romney gave a speech less notable for what he said than for the fact that the audience believed he was sincere in saying it… Continue reading

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Muslim Brotherhood Claims Victory in Presidential Elections; Signals Egyptian-Islamist/Hamas Jihad Against Israel?

A group of terrorists has attacked Israel from Egyptian territory Monday morning. As for the presidential election, the Brotherhood candidate, Muhammad al-Mursi, seems the likely winner… Continue reading

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Is Obama Strong on National Security? Of Course Not and Here’s the Iron-Clad Case Against Him

Let me explain to you why the Obama Administration’s propaganda leak effort to prove that the president is tough on national security is nonsense… Continue reading

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Subversion and Exporting the Islamic Revolution in Latin America

Iran invests considerable resources in its battle for hearts and minds and in exporting the Iranian revolution in Latin American countries… Continue reading

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Iranian and Hezbollah Involvement in Criminal Activities in Latin America

According to findings presented before the January 18, 2012 session of the U.S. Congress, through its proxies Iran is involved in numerous criminal activities in Latin America… Continue reading

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Latin America as an Arena for Iranian-Hezbollah Terrorism

Iran regards Latin America as an arena for terrorist activity, which the Iranian regime considers an instrument for promoting its strategic objectives… Continue reading

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Let us embrace our friends

Two weeks ago, US Congressman Joe Walsh published an op-ed in the The Washington Times in which he called for the US and Israel to abandon the two-state solution… Continue reading