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PM David Cameron Addresses the General Debate of the 66th Session of the General Assembly

The people of the Arab world have made their aspirations clear… Continue reading

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King Hamad bin Issa Al Khalifa Addresses the General Debate of the 66th Session of the General Assembly

There is no doubt that the world is now entering a new era of important changes… Continue reading

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Obama Administration Sponsors the Sponsors of Anti-American Terrorism

Is there any sponsor of anti-American terrorism in the Middle East that the Obama Administration hasn’t tried to sponsor… Continue reading

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Historical Facts Relating to the Israel Palestinian Conflict and the Peace Process

Israel’s Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Danny Ayalon explains the historical facts relating to the Israeli Palestinian conflict… Continue reading

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The U.S. Government’s Failed History of Muslim Outreach

When President Obama hosted his annual iftar dinner in August to commemorate Ramadan… Continue reading

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Once More Into the Swamp: The Attack on Israel’s Embassy Opens A New Era in Middle East History

The attack and looting of Israel’s embassy in Cairo is an event as significant as the seizure of the U.S. embassy in Iran… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Lebanese PM Mikati described Hezbollah as ‘tumor’

Lebanese Prime Minister Najib Mikati described Shi’a Muslim terrorist group Hizballah as a “tumor”… Continue reading

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Israel’s Strategic Situation: Plenty to Worry About But Little to Fear

Since much of what I write about regional politics seems pessimistic… Continue reading

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International Jerusalem Day: anti-Israeli anti-West Incitement – Part 2

This year again Jerusalem Day events were exploited for strong incitement against Israel and the West… Continue reading

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Erdogan’s War: Will Turkey’s Most Powerful Leader Since Ataturk Succeed in Securing the Country’s Unity?

Attacks carried out by Kurdish separatists since mid-July have set Turkey on the road to war… Continue reading

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Turkish Regime to Israel; Obama White House to Real Middle East Moderates: Drop Dead

It seems to be a secret mainly to the White House and most of the Western mass media that Turkey is being turned into a police state… Continue reading

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The perils of a remilitarized Sinai

Will the Egyptian military be permitted to remilitarize the Sinai… Continue reading

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Why an American Earthquake Is Propaganda for Middle Eastern Anti-Americans

It would not matter much if a small fringe of extremists believed this, but the size of that group will be far larger… Continue reading

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Glenn Beck is Correct on the Middle East; Let’s Analyze Why That’s True

Any criticism one can make of Beck regarding Middle East issues rather pales in comparison to all of the above points on which he is quite correct… Continue reading

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International Jerusalem Day: anti-Israeli anti-West Incitement

Jerusalem Day, marked on August 26 this year, is an annual Iranian-sponsored event in support of the Palestinian cause… Continue reading

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Symbol of Egypt’s Revolution On Trial For Advocating Revolution

Asmaa Mahfouz, the April 6 Youth Movement leader who said she began the Egyptian revolution with a tweet… Continue reading

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UNRWA’s Anti-Israel Bias

Confronted with a barrage of criticism from the Palestinian Authority and many Arab states… Continue reading

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Behind the Humanitarian Mask: The Nordic Countries, Israel, and the Jews

In the past decades many pioneering efforts to demonize Israel have come from elites of the Nordic countries… Continue reading

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Egypt: anti-Israel and pro-Terrorism Conference held in Cairo

Cairo recently hosted a conference in support of terrorism. It was attended by Palestinian and Shi’ite terrorist organizations… Continue reading

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Terrorism Returns to Egypt, Will Sanity about Islamism Arrive in the West?

We see the beginnings of terrorist Islamist groups in Egypt again, with a government unable or unwilling to stop them… Continue reading

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Hating America and Rejecting Peace with Israel Portrayed as Virtuous

It’s fascinating to see not only the Middle East going backward but Western analysts and officials cheering on a return to even more war and terrorism… Continue reading

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Norway’s Jewish problem

In the wake of Anders Breivik’s massacre of his fellow Norwegians, I was amazed at the speed with which the leftist media throughout the… Continue reading

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How Jihad Influenced the Norway Massacre

In his manifesto, Anders Breivik, the perpetrator of the Norway massacre, in which 80 people were killed and many wounded… Continue reading

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Hamas reject the Palestinian Authority’s proposed September UN move

Senior Hamas figures again recently emphasized the movement’s fundamental intransigent positions, especially the refusal… Continue reading