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The Ultimate “Arab Spring” Quote

Rania Rifaat is the ultimate secular-oriented, social media-using, Egyptian “Arab Spring” activist… Continue reading

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The “Oslo Syndrome” and the Terror Attack in Norway

One of the most sensitive aspects of the very sensitive subject of the murderous terrorist attack in Norway by… Continue reading

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If Anti-Israel Propaganda Becomes Too Ridiculous Will Nobody Believe it?

This article in The Economist is so horrendous that I admit to laughing hysterically while reading it… Continue reading

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Norway Terror Attack: Lessons and Illusions

Once one gets beyond the polemics and clichés, there is a huge amount that could be learned from an honest discussion about the mass murders in Norway… Continue reading

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NATO Allies, Egyptian “Democracy” Become Main Weapons’ Suppliers for Hamas

As I predicted in early February, it is now clear that Egypt no longer tries seriously to stop weapons and terrorists and money from flowing into… Continue reading

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Thinking About the Terrorist Murders in Norway

I don’t think this terrorist attack in Norway was a jihadist conspiracy nor is this guy a secret Islamist terrorist… Continue reading

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“Palestine,” The World’s Most Economically and Politically Coddled Entity

There are well over 200 NGOs in the West Bank and Gaza, and 30% of the GDP here comes from international aid… Continue reading

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Obama Era Updates Famous Charles Atlas, “97 Pound Weakling” Ad

A skinny guy and pretty young woman in a bikini are walking on the beach… Continue reading

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A profile of Sheikh Dr. Yusuf al-Qaradawi

Sheikh Dr. Yusuf Abdallah al-Qaradawi is a central figure affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood… Continue reading

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Legal issues and the Flotilla: Can Greece legitimately prevent the flotilla sailing to Gaza?

There has been a lot of outrage in the last week over Greece’s decision not to allow several flotilla ships sail from its docks to Gaza… Continue reading

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Why Is the U.S. in Libya? Good Question

Listening to President Barack Obama talk about the administration’s Libya policy is a strange experience… Continue reading

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Seinfeld’s Advice for Obama Administration Policy: Do the Opposite

Just your normal Middle East policy day in which every instinct the Obama administration has is wrong… Continue reading

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What Obama Didn’t-And What We Should-Learn From The War In Afghanistan

I am in favor of a U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, but I was fascinated with how President Barack Obama handled the issue… Continue reading

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Why Did Fatah Expell Its Number-One Anti-Hamas Guy?

Muhammad Dahlan has been expelled from Fatah by that group’s Central Committee… Continue reading

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Israel, Ireland and the peace of the aging

Sometimes, the best thing to do is nothing at all… Continue reading

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Western Failure to Support the Real Freedom Fighters in the Middle East Is A Disgrace

Anthony Shadid, the New York Times’ pro-Islamist correspondent, writes an article on the… Continue reading

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My Adventures As an Alleged Terrorist

The North American airport security systems are a perfect metaphor for Western policies toward the Middle East… Continue reading

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Shari’a and Violence in American Mosques

How great is the danger of extremist violence in the name of Islam in the United States… Continue reading

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How Obama Administration Mishandling of the Palestinian Unilateral Independence Bid is Wasting 2011

And so he rushes off to Europe to muster support so that the United States is not alone… Continue reading

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It’s Official: I Announce My Candidacy to be Middle East Czar for the U.S. Government

A politician needs the ability to foretell what is going to happen tomorrow, next week, next month, and next year… Continue reading

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Our World: Why Borders Matter

A reader asks whether there are any defensible borders in the modern world because it is possible to fire missiles or rockets across a border… Continue reading

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Egypt: Where Moderates and Judges Endorse Terrorism

In September, the leaves will start falling off the trees in the West. And so will their policies toward the Middle East… Continue reading

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Western Media Insanity on the Middle East: The Silver Lining in Gaza!

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says that Egypt is losing control of the Sinai Penninsula where there are a lot of terrorists… Continue reading

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Egypt: Over 400 al-Qaida Terrorists now in Sinai

A senior Egyptian security official told the Al-Hayyat satellite television station on Monday that over 400 al-Qaida members… Continue reading

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The Key to Obama’s Foreign Policy: The World Turned Upside Down

I think I’ve made a breakthrough in understanding President Barack Obama’s foreign policy of punishing friends, rewarding enemies, and… Continue reading