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Reformist Opposition Leader Mehdi Karoubi Challenges Supreme Leader Khamenei

Karoubi called on Rafsanjani to exercise the constitutional powers of the assembly and take all measures necessary to prevent the principle of “rule of the religious jurisprudent” from being eroded by the Supreme Leader’s negligence in performing his duties and abuse of his powers… Continue reading

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How Would a Nuclear Iran Behave?

President Obama says Iran’s acquisition of nuclear weapons is “unacceptable,” but he appears resigned to the eventuality that the Islamic Republic will build a bomb. Iranian leaders are defiant in the face of sanctions… Continue reading

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Has the Opposition in Iran Reconsidered its Stance?

A political scandal was sparked in Iran last week when reformist opposition leader Mehdi Karoubi was quoted by the conservative Fars news agency saying that he recognized President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as the president of Iran… Continue reading