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The Al-Ahrar Military Wing

A network of former Fatah operatives in the Gaza Strip (Al-Ahrar) supported by Hamas announced the establishment of a military wing. Flags of the US and Israel were set on fire during the announcement ceremonies… Continue reading

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Do Gaza Flotillas Provide Material Support to Hamas?

As increasing numbers of pro-Palestinian activists try to break the blockade of Gaza, McCarthy’s argument is worth exploring. Are these flotillas legal… Continue reading

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Hamas Calls for the Destruction and Delegitimization of the State of Israel

Senior Hamas figures reveal their intention to exploit the flotilla as part of their campaign to delegitimize Israel, continuing their commitment to jihad… Continue reading

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An Open Letter to Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdogan

“You have accomplished in eight years what no other contemporary Turkish politician could achieve. You have successfully entered the final stages in your efforts to transform Atatürk’s Turkey into an Arab-style Islamist dictatorship… Continue reading

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Legal Issues and Israel’s Blockade of Gaza and the Gaza Flotilla raid

Since the seizure of the Gaza Flotilla by the IDF, there’s a lot of debate going on about the legal issues of the (naval) blockade of Gaza and the raid on the Freedom Gaza Flotilla. Was the raid on the… Continue reading