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Gaza Flotilla Ships Returned to Turkey, IHH Said More Flotillas Could Be Expected

A senior member of IHH, said that if the closure of the Gaza Strip were not lifted, many more flotillas to the Gaza Strip could be expected. He added that if need be, the vessels which returned would be used again… Continue reading

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Hamas Leader Khaled Mashaal Presented Ideological and Strategic Concept Based on Jihad Against Israel

Hamas leader Khaled Mash’al has recently presented Hamas’ ideological and strategic alternative to the PA’s approach towards the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. He slammed the PLO leadership, denied the… Continue reading

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Turkey in Cyprus vs. Israel in Gaza

Ankara’s recent condemnation of Jerusalem is hypocritical. Turkish policy toward Israel, historically warm and only a decade ago approaching full alliance, has cooled since Islamists… Continue reading

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Iranian Posters to Persuade Women to Wear a Hijab

Forcing women to wear a Hijab is seen as a far greater virtue in Iran’s Shi’ism and Saudi’s Wahhabism than the freedom of choice, freedom of self-expression and… Continue reading

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Do Gaza Flotillas Provide Material Support to Hamas?

As increasing numbers of pro-Palestinian activists try to break the blockade of Gaza, McCarthy’s argument is worth exploring. Are these flotillas legal… Continue reading

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Palestinians From the Disputed Territories Get Medical Treatment in Israeli Hospitals

Every year thousands of Palestinian patients from Gaza and the West Bank are treated in Israeli hospitals across the country. Patients also come from… Continue reading

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Breakdown of Humanitarian Aid to the Gaza Strip for August 3rd 2010

A detailed breakdown of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip for August 3rd. The statistics include the amount of trucks and tons of aid imported… Continue reading

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Transfer of Gaza Strip Merchandise and Humanitarian Aid For the Week of July 25th-30th 2010

A detailed breakdown of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip for the week of July 25th-July 30th, 2010. The statistics include the amount of… Continue reading

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Turkish Jurist Specializing in International Law Strongly Criticized Conduct of the Organizers of the Mavi Marmara Flotilla

Articles recently appeared in the Turkish press (primarily the opposition newspapers) critical of the MV Mavi Marmara flotilla and its outcome. Some raised the question of… Continue reading

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More Anti-Israel Flotillas Planned to Break the Blockade of the Gaza Strip

Reports continue to be received of intentions to dispatch aid flotillas to the Gaza Strip. As Hamas strengthens and entrenches its control over the Gaza Strip and continues its military buildup… Continue reading

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The Peace Process: Israel’s Cooperation With the US

Large elements in the mass media constantly claim that Israel, or at least the current government, doesn’t want peace despite all. But Israel did take actions and risks… Continue reading

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The AKP’s Hamas Policy: Countering Radicalization

For Turks today, after seven years of propaganda, Hamas appears to be a good organization as it has been a guest in Istanbul seven times and has had multiple contacts with the government… Continue reading

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European Involvement in Gaza Spells Trouble for Israel

Spanish Prime Minister José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero will lead a European Union delegation that is scheduled to visit the Gaza Strip in early September. But promoting greater EU involvement in Gaza could backfire on Israel… Continue reading

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The AKP’s Hamas Policy: How Turkey Turned

Why are the Turks turning anti-Western? Why are Turks viewing themselves in contrast to the West – meaning the United States across the world – Israel in the Middle East and Europe within… Continue reading

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The Lebanese Flotilla Farce

The latest flotilla preparing to leave from Lebanon fully exposes not only the hypocrisy but the danger of these provocative vigilante flotillas… Continue reading

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Israeli Investigations of Gaza Crimes Allegations

The State of Israel published a new update of the investigations into the Gaza Operation. This update follows the publication of… Continue reading

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Breakdown of Humanitarian Aid to the Gaza Strip for July 18th-24th 2010

The statistics include the amount of trucks and tons of aid imported this past week, as well as which goods were imported into the Strip… Continue reading

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Videos Timeline of Flotilla Incident as Presented by Eiland Team of Experts

The film, produced by the Eiland Team of Experts, breaks down the events of the flotilla using a timeline that alternates between 3D models and footage… Continue reading

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Civilian Activities and Humanitarian Aid Toward Gaza Strip

The following is a monthly report regarding the civilian and humanitarian activities of the Israeli authorities for June 2010… Continue reading

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Eiland Submits Conclusions of Military Examination Team Regarding Mavi Marmara

Maj. Gen. Eiland presented the team’s findings and conclusions on the incidents that took place at sea on May 31st 2010 to the Chief of the General Staff as well as… Continue reading

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British Prime Minister David Cameron and Western Suicide in Turkey

British Prime Minister David Cameron’s July 27 speech in Turkey will not live on in history. But it should, as an example of the decline of Western diplomacy, of suicide by Political Correctness… Continue reading

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Investigation Committees Appointed to Investigate the Mavi Marmara Flotilla

The international community continues probing the Mavi Marmara flotilla and its outcome, and the UN has appointed two committees to investigate… Continue reading

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Yasser Qashlaq, the Lebanese flotilla, Syria and Hezbollah

Yasser Qashlaq, chairman of the Free Palestine Movement and organizer of the Lebanese flotilla to the Gaza Strip, said the ships would leave within a few days… Continue reading

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Daniel Pereg and Daniel in the Lions Den

Awash in an ocean of public bias against Israel, one young-man’s determination sparks a resurgence of Zionist pride and self-assertion… Continue reading

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Is Israel’s naval blockade of Gaza legal?

What is the legality of the blockade and did Israel’s intervention breach international law? Israel has said it will continue a naval blockade of the Gaza Strip despite… Continue reading