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Gaddafi: The Libyan People ‘will take up Arms against Western Powers’ if Attacked

The Libyan people will take up arms against Western powers if they seek to enforce a no-fly zone in their country’s airspace… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Gaddafi Risked Nuclear Disaster in Libya after UN Slight

A potential “environmental disaster” was kept secret by the US last year when a large consignment of highly enriched uranium in Libya came close to cracking open… Continue reading

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End is Near for Qaddafi: Rebels Take Over Most of Libya

Virtually the entire world has turned against Qaddafi, with the Arab League, the United Nations Security Council and Western powers demanding he end his slaughter… Continue reading

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Libya: US Military Advisers in Cyrenaica

Hundreds of US, British and French military advisers have arrived in Cyrenaica, Libya’s eastern breakaway province… Continue reading

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TV Speech: Defiant Gaddafi Vows to Fight On and Die ‘as a Martyr’ Rather Than Quit

In a televised speech punctuated by long pauses, Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi gave a long, rambling speech on Libyan State TV in which he… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: ‘Internecine Warfare’ in the Gaddafi Family

The leader of the Libyan revolution presides over a “famously fractious” family that is powerful, wealthy, dysfunctional and marked by internecine struggles… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: A Gaddafi Family Portrait

US embassy cables shed light on Gaddafi family – including son Saif al-Islam, who vowed in TV address to eradicate enemies… Continue reading

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Libyan Revolt Spreads Despite Violent Crackdown

Multiple eyewitnesses have reported that Benghazi, Libya’s second-largest city, was in the hands of protesters and their military allies after several days… Continue reading

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The Lebanese Flotilla Farce

The latest flotilla preparing to leave from Lebanon fully exposes not only the hypocrisy but the danger of these provocative vigilante flotillas… Continue reading

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De Waarheid over de Kruistochten en de Islamitische Jihad

Is er een relatie tussen de ‘barbaarse’ Kruistochten en de Islamitische Jihad en zou het één bestaan hebben zonder de ander… Lees verder

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Libanon als Doelwit

Het is het tweede deel in een serie artikelen die vanuit historisch oogpunt de redenen en bedoelingen wil weergeven die een rol hebben gespeeld in de ondergang van Libanon… Continue reading

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The Crusades and Islam

We often hear so-called “experts” in the West say that especially the Crusades have been the main cause for the negative attitude of Muslims towards the so-called “Christian countries,” which is totally wrong given the… Continue reading