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Syria sends Gaddafi arms

As Washington commended the Arab League for approving a proposed no-fly zone over Libya and European powers drew up plans for… Continue reading

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Swiss: Ben Ali Son-In-Law Wanted Residency

Former Tunisian president Ben Ali’s son-in-law Sakher Matri had requested a residency permit for Geneva, apparently to… Continue reading

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With Ludicrous Lies the Muslim Brotherhood Shows Its Contempt for the West

I’m fascinated by the op-ed in the New York Times by Tariq Ramadan. It is so amazingly false and puts forward such ludicrous claims that the whole thing seems to shout out… Continue reading

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Iranian Opposition Leader Mousavi on Egypt and Tunisia Rebellions

It is interesting to point out that there are two Iranian models for what’s happening now. I am not saying that anyone is consciously thinking in these terms… Continue reading

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The movement, which espoused a Palestinian nationalist ideology in which Palestine would be liberated by the actions of Palestinians, was founded in 1958 or 1959 by members of the Palestinian… Continue reading