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Is the AKP that “Vanquished” the Military Caught in the Trap of Militarism?

There is a grim irony to the fact that while the AKP’s 2007 victory represented a defeat for the military, victory four years later requires… Continue reading

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IHH Leader Yildirim: “We Will Not Hesitate to Sacrifice Shaheeds to Achieve the Flotilla’s Objective”

IHH, which plays a central role in organizing the upcoming flotilla to the Gaza Strip, joined Turkish Islamist organizations in… Continue reading

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Turkey’s Threshold

Turkey faces what could be historic elections on June 12. Opinion polls suggest the ruling Justice and Development Party… Continue reading

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Members of Congress Urge Turkey to Prevent 2nd Gaza Flotilla

On Wednesday, a bipartisan group of members of Congress spearheaded by Reps. Steve Israel (D — NY) and Tom Cole (R — OK) has written a letter to Turkish… Continue reading

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The Roots of U.S. Policy Insanity in the Middle East and the Cure

Why is U.S. and European policy toward the Middle East so off-base, and why do policymakers believe the strange things they think and… Continue reading

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Israeli Natural Gas: A Game Changer

Energy has always been at the center of the Arab-Israeli conflict, creating alliances and influencing the policies of allies and adversaries alike… Continue reading

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Will the Arab Uprisings Result in the Emergence of a Sunni Bloc Dominated by Turkey?

Against the background of the fall of the autocratic regimes in Tunisia and Egypt, the massive demonstrations in Yemen, Syria and Bahrain… Continue reading

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The AKP’s Election Manifesto: The Silences That Ring Alarm Bells

In late April 2011, the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) and the main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) announced their manifestos… Continue reading

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Turkey Should Block Gaza Aid Convoy to Avert New Crisis

Who is to blame for the Mavi Marmara incident, May 31, 2010? The Turkish government immediately… Continue reading

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South African anti-Israeli Islamic Organizations Organize Gaza-Bound Aid Convoy

An aid convoy to the Gaza Strip is being organized in South Africa by two anti-Israeli Islamic organizations. It is expected to leave at the end of… Continue reading

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Does Money really drive Turkey’s stance toward Arab Revolts?

A narrative has emerged to explain the varied responses of the Turkish government, led by the Justice and Development Party, or… Continue reading

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Warning: Middle East Analysis Gone Wild…ly Inaccurate

OK. I admit it. It’s hopeless. When prestigious newspapers can’t get the most basic points about the Middle East correct… Continue reading

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The Potential Demise of the CFE Treaty: A Major Concern for Turkey

Moscow’s decision to “suspend” its compliance with the Conventional Forces in Europe (CFE) Treaty since… Continue reading

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The Nominations of Candidates for the June General Election: A Choice Between Status Quo and Renewal

The ruling Justice and Development Party’s (AKP) choice of candidates to the general election in June reflect a desire to entrench the power base… Continue reading

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Assad’s Bloody Crackdown Protest Threatens Sectarian War

President Bashar Assad, while abrogating Syria’s detested 48-year old emergency laws Tuesday, April 19, immediately replaced them with… Continue reading

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Will Turkey’s Next Constitution be a Societal Covenant Imbued with Respect for Differences?

Agreeing upon the rules for how they are going to live together, with mutual respect for differences, is the fundamental challenge that faces… Continue reading

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Reading Ahmadinejad in Riga

There’s nothing like having to explain a complex subject to people to improve one’s own understanding of the issues… Continue reading

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The Fading Masquerade: Ergenekon and the Politics of Justice in Turkey

On the afternoon of March 30, 2011, Zekeriya Öz, the chief prosecutor in the controversial Ergenekon investigation, was abruptly… Continue reading

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IHH Leader: “We have only one problem, the virus called Zionism”

IHH leader Bülent Yildirim said the upcoming flotilla to the Gaza Strip might be delayed. He added that in addition to the flotilla… Continue reading

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What Country in the World Has the Most Journalists Imprisoned?

What country in the world has the most journalists imprisoned? The answer might surprise you. According to a recent study… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Israel – Calm Before the Storm?

Israel is deceptively calm and prosperous. The security situation inside Israel is the best since the outbreak of the Second Intifada… Continue reading

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Turkey’s Opposition Turns Social Democratic: Will the Turks Follow?

While the Turkish Justice and Development Party’s (AKP’s) record on democracy and foreign policy is less than perfectly in… Continue reading

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Nuclear and Gas Pipeline Woes Trouble Russian-Turkish Energy Partnership

The nuclear disaster in Japan has further complicated the complex energy relationship between Turkey and Russia… Continue reading

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Turkey: Less Democracy But An Alternative

For several years I’ve been telling you that under its current Islamist regime, Turkey has become less and less of a democratic state… Continue reading

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Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu: “We Need to Hinder the Despotic Ambitions of AKP”

In this exclusive interview for Turkish Policy Quarterly, Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu outlines his views and his Party’s position on the pressing foreign policy choices Turkey faces… Continue reading