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Iran’s New Foreign Minister: Ties with Saudi Arabia Top Priority

What is the highest priority for Iranian foreign policy–I mean the official and public foreign policy, not spreading revolution and terrorism–today? According to the new foreign minister it’s developing strong relations with… Continue reading

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The Poisoned Fruits of Appeasement Come Home to Roost

The U.S. weakness in countering Iran and other radical forces in the Middle East is beginning to bear poisoned fruits. Jordan is already moving toward getting on Iran’s good side; Lebanon has been captured by the Iran-Syria camp; Turkey has moved into its… Continue reading

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Poll Reveals Frightening Popularity of Revolutionary Islamism

There’s a lot of interesting material in the Pew Foundation’s latest poll of the Middle East, a survey that focuses on attitudes toward Islamism and revolutionary Islamist groups. The analysis that accompanies the poll… Continue reading

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The Asian Convoy Arrives in Syria via Turkey and Iran

The Asian convoy which left India on December 5 arrived in Turkey on December 17 and was welcomed by senior representatives from IHH, which apparently hosted the convoy during its stay in the country. The convoy visited several… Continue reading

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Turkish Movie: “Valley of the Wolves: Palestine”

“Valley of the Wolves: Palestine” is a Turkish movie portraying the Marmara affair as a premeditated IDF attack to kill innocent activists, slated for the end of January 2011. Joining previous films and series, it is an example of the extensive use made in Turkey of… Continue reading

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Iranian Lawmakers to Join Asia to Gaza Convoy in Syria

Seven Iranian lawmakers are to join the Gaza-bound Asian aid convoy in Syria, Iranian Students News Agency [IRNA] reported last Tuesday. The Asia to Gaza Solidarity Caravan arrived in Iran on Wednesday is to pass Turkey and Syria to reach respectively… Continue reading

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IHH leader Bülent Yildirim: “U.S. Is Ruled By Zionism”

IHH leader Bulent Yildirim gave an interview focusing on the U.S. intention to designate the IHH as a terrorist organization and on the Mavi Marmara incident. Yildirim claimed “Zionists” controlled the U.S. and world media. He accused Israel of… Continue reading

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Iran Criticizes Turkey’s Aid In Extinguishing Forest Fire In Israel’s North

In recent days, Iranian media has been reporting on the Turkish aid in extinguishing the fire in the north of Israel, and on Israel’s attempts to take advantage of Turkey’s humanitarian aid to rebuild the relations between the two countries… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Strong Pushback On the Turkey-Armenia Normalization

Burns stressed that the U.S. believes that progress on the Turkey-Armenia protocols could create political space for Sargsian to be more flexible on NK. He continued that the reverse was also true, that a failure of the Turkey-Armenia process would almost… Continue reading

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After Dropping Freeze Bid, U.S. Formulates New Turkey-Iran Deal

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had the thankless task of writing finis on the Obama administration’s intense two-year effort to persuade Israelis and Palestinians to discuss peace. Her speech to the Saban Forum early Saturday, Dec. 11 was much awaited as Washington’s first comment on… Continue reading

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Gaza-Bound ‘Asia to Gaza Solidarity Caravan’ Leaving India

The Asian convoy set out from Delhi in India on December 1. It was delayed for a number of days by the Indian and Pakistani authorities on the border between the two countries, but on December 5 it crossed the border on its way to Lahore, Pakistan, and from… Continue reading

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Why Do Iranians And Turks Want Arabs To Fight Jews?

If you want to understand how the debate goes in the Arabic-speaking world and the ways liberals there try to get across their message, there’s nothing better to read than Abdul Rahman Al-Rashed’s article, “Erdogan…Fulfill Your Promises.” It’s also very easy to misunderstand… Continue reading

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Turkish PM Erdogan: Hizbullah Not Involved In Rafik Hariri Assassination

The Lebanese daily Al-Safir reported on Monday that Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan does not believe Hizbullah is connected to the 2005 Rafik Hariri assassination. Rafik Hariri was then Lebanese prime minister and is the father of the current Prime Minister Sa’ad Hariri… Continue reading

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Lebanese Armenians Unhappy With Erdogan’s Visit To Lebanon

Hundreds of Lebanese of Armenian descent gathered in the capital’s Martyrs’ Square and clashed with army troops during a protest Thursday over a visit to Beirut by the Turkish prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan… Continue reading

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Beware The Leader Who Bangs The Drums of War

It should be getting pretty hard even for Western leaders to ignore the Turkish regime’s growing alliance with their enemies. Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s visit to Lebanon included a very dangerous statement that must not go unnoticed… Continue reading

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Changing Of The Guard: Judicial Reforms Reinforce Concerns About the AKP’s Increasing Authoritarianism

The restructuring of the Supreme Board of Judges and Prosecutors (HSYK), which is responsible for appointments and disciplinary procedures in the Turkish judicial system, was one of the key reforms in the package of constitutional amendments which were approved in a referendum… Continue reading

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Poster Art of the Armenian Genocide

By the end of the nineteenth century, there were some 300,000 Armenians in Iran (Persia at the time) representing almost 3% of the Iranian population of 1900. The massacres at the end of 19th century and early 20th century brought more Armenian refugees… Continue reading

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Turkey Moving Toward A Semi-Dictatorship

Soner Cagaptay, senior fellow and director of the Turkish Research Program at The Washington Institute, writes in an article that since 2002, when Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan’s Justice and Development Party (AKP) came to power… Continue reading

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Beginning To Restore The Land

The land, unloved by its rulers and uncared for by most of its handful of inhabitants, whose silences Lamartine had likened to those of ruined Pompeii, and which Mark Twain had compassionately consigned to the world of dreams, began to come to life again with the blossoming of Jewish restoration in the nineteenth century… Continue reading

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The Jewish Presence in Palestine

Promoted by two such powerful forces as Soviet assertions and Arab propaganda, the claim of Arab historical rights has become a central element in the international debate. By sheer weight of noise, it has impressed many otherwise knowledgeable and well meaning people. The facts of history are… Continue reading

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The Origin Of The Dispute

On November 29, 1947 – the day the United Nations Assembly decided to recommend the partition of Palestine into an Arab and a Jewish state – there were no Arab refugees. The area allotted to the Jewish state was much smaller even than that established by the Armistice lines of 1949… Continue reading

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Arab Refugees

Only a George Orwell or a Franz Kafka could have done justice to the story of the Arab refugee problem. For twenty years, the world has been indoctrinated with a vision of its origins, its scope, the responsibilities for its solution. The intent of this picture is, roughly, that in 1948 the Jewish people launched an… Continue reading

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Democracy’s Balancing Act

When I started drawing the Dry Bones cartoons, way back in January of 1973, the accepted wisdom was that the future for a democratic Middle East was tied to the fortunes of Christian Lebanon, the secular government of Muslim Turkey, and the Jewish State of Israel… Continue reading

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What Effect Will The U.S. Elections Have On Its Middle East Policy?

What effect will the congressional elections have on U.S. foreign policy generally and Middle East policy in particular? It isn’t a matter of the individual candidates, since nobody lost or won who will have some big influence on U.S. policy in the next couple of years. The important factor is… Continue reading

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Lebanon In the Grip Of the Iran-Syria Bloc

There is a struggle for power in Lebanon of the greatest importance. Yet it is a battle that the West, for all practical purposes, has already ceded the country to the Iran-Syria bloc. Lebanon has a unique political system. It is what might be called a communal democracy… Continue reading