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Ankara’s Unacknowledged Genocide

The Ottoman Empire tolerated the existence of vast non-Muslim subject populations in its midst, provided they acknowledged their legal and institutional inferiority in the Islamic order of things. When these groups dared to question their subordinate status, they were brutally suppressed, and none more so than the Armenians… Continue reading

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Islamic Supremacy Alive and Well in Ankara

Supersessionism refers to the belief that Christians have superseded Jews in a new covenant with God. Islam, too, sees itself as superseding all previous divine revelation but, unlike Christianity, Islam freely erases history itself… Continue reading

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Turkish-Israeli Relations: Is Normalization Possible?

On November 26, 2012, several newspapers reported that Israel and Turkey had resumed reconciliation talks between senior officials, marking a profound change since the low-point in relations occurred in the aftermath of the Gaza aid flotilla in 2010… Continue reading

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Fighting Blind: The AKP’s Increasingly Hardline Kurdish Policy

Even if the Turkish military wins every battle against the PKK, an even more dangerous war is being lost… Continue reading

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Turkey to Deploy Patriot Missiles

Turkey’s membership in NATO has many unique dimensions, including in the number of missile-related crises the country has experienced… Continue reading

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Erdogan’s Volatile Authoritarianism: Tactical Ploy or Strategic Vision?

In recent months, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has made a string of highly controversial public statements which appear indicative of an authoritarian mindset… Continue reading

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For Turkey as a Model in the Middle East, America Remains Crucial

The Turkish presumption to be a “model” for the Middle East will be undermined if the United States were to withdraw from the affairs of the region… Continue reading

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Contemporary Kemalist Intellectuals: Europeanizers Against Europe?

During the last decades, Kemalism, the modernization ideology of the Republic of Turkey, has been vehemently criticized… Continue reading

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Breaking Anchor: Turkey’s Disappearing EU Accession Process

The European Commission issued its most critical report on Turkey’s progress towards meeting the criteria for EU membership since accession negotiations were formally inaugurated in 2005… Continue reading

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A Hamas Divided

Whenever the Israel-Palestine conflict is in the news, too much ink is wasted over moralizing rather than analyzing… Continue reading

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Erdogan’s Way – Confrontation at Home and Abroad – May be Backfiring

Turkey’s governing Justice and Development Party has been well served by the confrontational style of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan… Continue reading

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Russia-Turkey Strains Deepen over Syria

The Syrian crisis is a good test of the strength of the Russia-Turkish detente… Continue reading

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The Sunni-Shia Conflict Will Be the Major Feature of Middle East Politics for Decades

We are not just talking here about theological differences but a battle between individual leaders, organizations, and states for power and primacy… Continue reading

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Bluff and Bravado: Turkey’s Long Presidential Campaign

President Abdullah Gül criticized the government of Prime Minister Tayyip Erdoğan for its failure to push ahead with Turkey’s bid for EU membership and protested the continuing imprisonment of seven elected opposition members of the assembly… Continue reading

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What Does Turkey Hope to Achieve with Its War Threats Against Syria?

The Turkish government appears to hope to deter the continued Syrian – and Iranian – deployment of the Kurdish card against Turkey… Continue reading

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Turkey-Azerbaijan Summit Consummates Reconciliation

Turkish-Azerbaijani relations have been on the rebound in recent months since the Turkish-Armenian reconciliation effort has effectively collapsed over differences… Continue reading

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What the Sledgehammer Sentence Mean

The sentences in the Sledgehammer trial demonstrate the subjugation of the military to civilian, democratic, legal authority… Continue reading

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Are Iraq and Turkey Models for Democratization?

In the wake of the upheavals that have shaken the Arab world since December 2010, activists, politicians, and analysts have all been searching for new, democratic models of governance that could come into force in these lands… Continue reading

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Turkey Raises Central Asian Profil through SCO Link

The decision of the heads of state of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in Beijing to designate Turkey a formal dialogue partner of the organization is yet another sign of recognition of Turkey’s growing influence in Central and South Asia… Continue reading

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Trans-Anatolian Pipeline: A Geopolitical Achievement, but no Panacea for Turkey’s Energy Independence

The realization of the Trans-Anatolian Project by 2018 will strengthen Azerbaijan in strategic terms, offering it a route to the world markets that bypasses Russia… Continue reading

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The Turkish Naval Base at the Dead Sea during World War I

The Dead Sea was a major supply route for the Turkish army between eastern and western Palestine during WWI… Continue reading

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Erdogan’s Invitation to Gülen: Reconciliation or Power Play?

On June 14, 2012, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan publicly invited Fethullah Gülen, the leader of the powerful Gülen Movement, to return to Turkey from self-imposed exile in the United States… Continue reading

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Why Were Antique German Weapons Found at the Dead Sea in Recent Months?

Last month Israeli newspapers reported on the discovery of a huge cache of guns, bullets, artillery shells and mines in the Dead Sea… Continue reading

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Turkey and Syria: An Undeclared State of War

After Syria’s downing of a Turkish aircraft over the eastern Mediterranean, the question is not so much why Syria shot it down as why the two neighbors have become embroiled in a confrontation in the first place… Continue reading

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Turkey trots toward Islamism

The Turkish regime is gradually suppressing freedom as its society moves steadily toward a more hardline Islamic identity… Continue reading