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Ankara and Washington Ponder Next Moves in Syria

Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu has just completed a well-timed visit to Washington… Continue reading

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Azerbaijan as an Arena for Iranian and Hezbollah Terrorism and Subversion

Azerbaijan, despite its being a Shi’ite Muslim country, has a strong pro-Western orientation and, to Iran’s dissatisfaction, maintains good relations with Israel… Continue reading

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Thailand and Southeast Asia as Arenas for Iranian and Hezbollah Terrorism and Subversion

Since the late 1980s, Southeast Asia, particularly Thailand, has been a favorite theater of terrorist operations for Iran and Hezbollah… Continue reading

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Turkey as an Arena for Iranian and Hezbollah Terrorism and Subversion

Turkey and Iran often state that there has been peace along their border for more than four hundred years… Continue reading

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Analysis: Iranian and Hezbollah Terrorist Attacks against Israeli Targets Abroad

For the past half year Iran and Hezbollah have organized and carried out a terrorist campaign against Israeli targets abroad… Continue reading

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The Coalition Crumbles: Erdoğan, the Gülenists, and Turkish Democracy

The authority of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has been challenged by the security apparatus, the police and parts of the judiciary that enjoy the backing of the brotherhood of the Islamic preacher Fethullah Gülen… Continue reading

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What to Do About Syria

There is a strong case that can be made for doing nothing about the Syrian civil war, but a stronger case can be made for doing something… Continue reading

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Will Turkey Be Able to Join the West in Confronting Iran?

The international sanctions against Iran, and most recently the decision of the EU countries to stop importing oil from Iran, are ultimately going to have a major impact on Turkey… Continue reading

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A House Divided Against Itself: The Deteriorating State of Media Freedom in Turkey

Most international attention has focused on the more than 100 journalists who are now in jail in Turkey as a result of what they have written or said… Continue reading

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Kastelorizo – Mediterranean Flashpoint?

That Athens controls this wisp of land implies it could claim an exclusive economic zone in the Mediterranean Sea that reduces the Turkish EEZ to a fraction of what it would be were the island under Ankara’s control… Continue reading

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Ankara and Baghdad: A Parting of Ways?

Until now, Turkey’s presence in Iraq has generally been encouraged by all major Iraqi groups… Continue reading

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Assad contains Syrian uprising for now, with help of Russia, Iran and Hizballah

Ten months after the Syrian people launched an uprising against its ruler, Bashar Assad has recovered the bulk of his army’s support and his grip on most parts of the country… Continue reading

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How Much Security Will NATO’s Missile Defense Shield Provide for Turkey?

By agreeing to deploy the Army Navy Transportable Radar Surveillance System (AN/TPY-2) on Turkish soil, the United States and Turkey have concluded by far the strategically most significant agreement in many years… Continue reading

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Azerbaijan foils Iranian-Hizballah terror strike against Jewish targets

A Hizballah cell backed by intelligence from Tehran and external Iranian terror cells in Turkey, Bulgaria, Georgia and Armenia, was captured in Baku on Jan. 19 by… Continue reading

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Where the “Counter-Obama” View of the Middle East is Right and Where It’s Wrong

Diehl’s challenge to the critics of the mainstream thinking on the Middle East is very serious… Continue reading

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The Unvarnished Reality of Contemporary U.S.-Israel Relations

Do not speak of it in public. Do not expect any Israeli official to admit it. But Israel is facing an issue unlike anything it has had to deal with during the past 50 years… Continue reading

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Gold for Oil: India to Pay Gold instead of Dollars for Iranian Oil

India is the first buyer of Iranian oil to agree to pay for its purchases in gold instead of the US dollar… Continue reading

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Israel’s Options as Muslim Brotherhood Gains Power

The political history of the modern Middle East can easily be divided into three eras… Continue reading

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Turkey and Cyprus’ Gas: More Troubles Ahead in 2012

New tension is brewing between Turkey and Cyprus after Cyprus’ and Israel’s enormous gas finds in the Eastern Mediterranean… Continue reading

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U.S. Military Build-Up Around Iran Continues

The Pentagon is substantially building up its combat power around Iran… Continue reading

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The Changing Objects of Fear: The Arrest of Ilker Basbug

In the early hours of January 6, General İlker Başbuğ, chief of the Turkish General Staff from 2008 to 2010, was arrested and imprisoned on allegations of “founding or directing an armed terrorist organization, inciting the overthrow of the government of the Turkish Republic or the prevention of it fulfilling its duties”… Continue reading

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Why Is an Anti-American Islamist Obama’s Favorite Middle East Leader?

For the first time in forty years, Israel is not the American president’s favorite Middle Eastern ally… Continue reading

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Sunni versus Shia: The Middle East’s New Strategic Conflict

Conflicts between Sunni and Shia Muslims are not at all new, but… Continue reading

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Military tensions building up on Syria’s borders

Military tensions are building up on Syria’s borders… Continue reading

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The Muslim Brotherhood in the Arab World and Islamic Communities in Western Europe

This study examines the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and other Arab countries in the wake of the past year’s regional uprisings… Continue reading