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Turkish-US Relations in 2011 and Beyond: There May be Trouble Ahead

The year 2011 saw a “regression toward the mean” in Turkey’s relation with the United States… Continue reading

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Turkey’s 2012 Re-Adjustment to Post-“Zero Problems” in the Aftermath of the Arab Awakenings

Turkey’s emergence in the 21st century as a Middle Eastern power has been in the making for the last decade… Continue reading

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Tactical Allies and Strategic Rivals: Turkey’s Changing Relations with Iran

General Amir Ali Hajizadeh, a senior commander in Iran’s Revolutionary Guard, declared that, if Iran came under attack from the U.S. or Israel… Continue reading

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Has Erdogan Reached His “Democratic Limits”?

Internal and external dynamics no longer compel Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to transcend his democratic limits… Continue reading

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Turkey: Ankara’s “Economic Miracle” Collapses

Turkey’s high-flying economy will crash-land in 2012… Continue reading

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What Drives Turkish Foreign Policy?

Turkey’s growing international profile has been controversial… Continue reading

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Sunni Realignments

Despite threats from Iran to withdraw financial aid and training for militants… Continue reading

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Iranian speculations on Egypt’s Islamists: Shi’ite-style revolutionaries or Turkish-style democrats?

There have been various speculations in Iranian press on the significance of the Islamists’ victory and the nature of the Islamist faction in Egypt… Continue reading

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Make Way for the Muslim Brotherhood International

It’s time for the Fifth Internationale, that of the Muslim Brotherhoods… Continue reading

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Obama Foreign Policy in A Brief: The President as Turkey

How can U.S. government officials believe such silly and wrong things about the Middle East… Continue reading

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A Response to The Obama Administration’s Pretended Support for Israel’s Security

The Obama Administration seems to believe that merely repeating endlessly that they support Israel and its security… Continue reading

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Panetta Shows How the Obama Administration Is Selling Out Israel and U.S. Interests

U.S. Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta gave us a clear picture of the Obama administration’s view of the region… Continue reading

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Turkey Falls Out with Russia: Another Sign of a Foreign Policy in Crisis

Wherever one looks, Turkey’s “zero problems with neighbors” policy is fading… Continue reading

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Turkey and Syria: from Friendship to War?

The inability of the Baath regime in Damascus to bring the situation in the country under control has compelled Turkey to… Continue reading

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Who Killed The Next One Hundred People Like Rafiq Tagi? You Did

Can a single moderate whether secularist or someone who wants to interpret Islam in a more liberal way feel safe… Continue reading

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Countdown to Conflict: Military Build-Up around Syria

The armies of Syria’s seven neighbors were already scrambling into position on standby on its borders for acts of… Continue reading

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What Do Totalitarians Do When They Gain Power Democratically?

These politicians know precisely what they want to do… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Syrian-Iranian Show of Solidarity Masks Tensions over Iraq, Yemen and War with Israel

Assad resisted Iranian arguments for closer bilateral coordination in Iraq and Yemen and flatly rejected being drawn into a war between Iran and Israel… Continue reading

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Syria, Turkey and the Kurds

Bashar al-Assad is apparently aiming to destabilize Turkey… Continue reading

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Islam: What Does “Moderate” Islamist Mean?

Are Islamist parties portrayed as more moderate or pluralistic than they actually are… Continue reading

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Syrian army deserters hit intel facility near Damascus

The Assad regime suffered a major shock when self-styled “Free Syrian Army” deserters firing shoulder-borne rockets and… Continue reading

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Turkish Foreign Policy in Evolution

Turkish government representatives insist that they want to develop good ties in all directions… Continue reading

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Who is Obama’s Favorite Middle East Leader? An Anti-American Radical Who Loathes America and Israel

There is a man who Obama loves to deal with, if not every day at least as often as possible… Continue reading

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Will Turkey Get a New Constitution that is a Societal Compact, and not a Dictate of the State?

The new constitution of Turkey needs to be societal compact that reflects the pluralism of society… Continue reading