Sobh-e Sadegh, a weekly published on behalf of the Revolutionary Guards, warned Turkey that, if its current hostile stance towards Syria persists… Continue reading
Last month the Majles Research Center published a report warning about the new strategy adopted by NATO in recent years… Continue reading
Iranian media have recently taken a critical stance on the change in Turkey’s policy towards Syria… Continue reading
Every day there are massive demonstrations, shootings, and defections of soldiers in Syria… Continue reading
Where’s the outrage? Where’s the policy shift?… Continue reading
It’s truly amazing that literally every day the Obama Administration finds a new way to mess up the Middle East… Continue reading
Never before have Turkey and Latin America been closer than they are at present… Continue reading
Foreign and defense policies did not figure prominently in the recent general election in Turkey… Continue reading
The Mediterranean islands, particularly Cyprus, proved invaluable to the expansion for the Ottoman Empire… Continue reading
There has been a lot of outrage in the last week over Greece’s decision not to allow several flotilla ships sail from its docks to Gaza… Continue reading
Amidst news of Turkey’s political turmoil — a parliamentary boycott led by the main opposition party has overshadowed… Continue reading
Since its inception the organizers of the Freedom Flotilla 2 have encountered a broad range of largely unrelated… Continue reading
Polarizing the society over religious and cultural identities has been the power tactic of the Justice and Development Party (AKP) almost all along… Continue reading
In the general election of June 12, 2011, candidates backed by the pro-Kurdish Peace and Democracy Party (BDP) won 36 seats in Turkey… Continue reading
There are two types of strategic perspectives in Israel today. They aren’t contradictory but they have different priorities… Continue reading
Just your normal Middle East policy day in which every instinct the Obama administration has is wrong… Continue reading
IHH head Bülent Yildirim recently announced that due to technical difficulties, the Mavi Marmara would not sail… Continue reading
In the absence of U.S. leadership, others want to direct the Middle East… Continue reading
Twenty years ago, I was a school kid chanting with my peers, “Our leader forever, the father, Hafez Assad!” Back then, I could not have imagined… Continue reading
The June 12 general election was historic as it was the first general election in Turkey over which the shadow of the military… Continue reading
Anthony Shadid, the New York Times’ pro-Islamist correspondent, writes an article on the… Continue reading
The organizers of Freedom Flotilla 2 have repeatedly emphasized its purportedly humanitarian character and their commitment to… Continue reading
Latest Comments
Hello Mike, Thank you for your positive feedback to the article. I felt there wasn’t too much critical analysis of ...
Thanks for this considered and well constructed article. A follow up article on the manner in which the editorial contro...
As long as Obama is the president of the usa do not trust the us government......
Thank you for an good read....