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The Sweet Dreams of the Arab World

The Herzog-Livni duo is the last thing I would recommend to lead the state of Israel… Read more

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Israel’s Election: An Analysis

Israel’s election results show that Israelis have a basic consensus and yet have very different ways of expressing their political positions… Continue reading

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Understanding Israel’s January 22 Election

After decades of misunderstanding Israeli politics, I can say that nothing has changed in this regard… Continue reading

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One Leader Who Will be Re-elected: Israel Goes to Elections

Israel is going to have elections on September 4 and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will almost certainly win by a big margin… Continue reading

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Promoting Palestinian Terrorism: A look back at the media coverage of the Palestine Papers

A media orchestrated political storm blew through the volatile Middle East last year with the release of over 1,600 confidential documents relating to Palestinian negotiations with Israel… Continue reading

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Glenn Beck’s revealing visit

American media superstar Glenn Beck’s visit to Israel this week was a revealing and remarkable event… Continue reading

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The Guardian and the ‘Palestine Papers’

Do you really believe that suddenly, for no apparent reason, and no big Israeli concession the Palestinian negotiators tossed away their demand for a… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: U.S. Envoy Discusses Security with Israel

In all of his meetings, General Jones described his mandate as developing a security plan to address the needs that will arise from the establishment of a Palestinian state, factoring in the… Continue reading

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Israel’s Labor Party Self-Destructs

A pivotal moment in Israeli political history. The Labor Party, the founding political organization of the state, ruler of the country for its first 29 years, and perennial member of… Continue reading

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Het Misbruiken van Internationaal Recht als Oorlogswapen Tegen Israel

Drie Spaanse activisten hebben een aanklacht ingediend tegen de Israëlische premier Benyamin Netanyahu, zes leden van zijn kabinet en een hoge militaire officier voor oorlogsmisdaden… Continue reading

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The IHH Violence Against the IDF Was Similar as the Violence Against the Egyptian Security Forces

A comparison of the IHH violence directed against the IDF during the Mavi Marmara flotilla and the violence employed by the Lifeline 3 activists against the Egyptian security forces shows many similarities… Continue reading

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World Cup Teams Israelis Can Support

In a semi-satirical overview, Gil Hoffman, writes about which World Cup teams Israelis can root against or whom to cheer. Israelis are known as rabid soccer fans… Continue reading

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How To Accuse IDF Of War Crimes

Did you ever wish you could be part of the international movement for the delegitimization of the Jewish state? Did you always want to be part of the struggle against Zionism? Did you ever want to assist those who are accusing Israeli soldiers of War crimes and… Continue reading

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Hamas Initiates Anti-Israeli Activities in Europe

Muhammad Kazem Sawalha is a Hamas activist living in Britain who in the past was involved in operational activities in Judea and Samaria. He is personally involved in preparations to… Continue reading

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Al-Tawthiq and its Anti-Israel Campaign

A Hamas “ministry of justice” committee called Al-Tawthiq (Documentation) claims to be behind the arrest warrant issued in Britain for former Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni. It is part of the Hamas campaign to pursue Israelis in Europe in the name of the victims of Operation Cast Lead… Continue reading

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We are all Tzipi Livni

The latest episode in which, to paraphrase Karl von Clausewitz, law is used as the continuation of war by other means, involved the threat to arrest former foreign minister Tzipi Livni on the nonsensical charge that she committed war crimes during Operation Cast Lead… Continue reading

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UNHRC endorsing the Goldstone report

Following the UN Human Rights Council’s endorsement of the Goldstone Commission Report in Geneva on Friday, the Foreign Ministry in Jerusalem stated that Israel rejects the “one-sided decision” and calls on “all the responsible states” not to accept it… Continue reading