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Palestinian Reactions to the Direct Talks Invitation

The PLO’s executive committee held a meeting in Ramallah on August 20 chaired by Mahmoud Abbas, and said it agreed to relaunch direct negotiations based on the announcement of the International Quartet… Continue reading

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Why the Israel-Palestinian Talks Will Fail

The U.S. announcement inviting Israel and the Palestinian Authority (PA) for direct talks shows quite clearly, though unintentionally, why the talks will fail… Continue reading

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No Strategic Rationality in Obama’s Gaza Policy

In other words, the United States has no problem with Hamas ruling Gaza as long as weapons are kept out. There is absolutely no strategic concept in the… Continue reading

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McChrystal and the Near-Disastrous Situation With the American Leadership

There are two ways of looking at General Stanley McChrystal’s interviews with Rolling Stone magazine: one is to focus on whether he should have said such things, the other is to analyze the important truths he unveiled. Here, I’m going to look at… Continue reading