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WikiLeaks: Topambtenaar Adviseerde VS Liquidatie van Rebellenleider Kony

Ambtsbericht van de Amerikaanse ambassade in Den Haag over hoe een topambtenaar van het Nederlandse ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken de Amerikanen ongevraagd adviseerde… Lees verder

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WikiLeaks: Ugandan President’s Fears of Libyan Attack

Ugandan President Museveni said Libyan President Qadhafi “is a problem” for the continent and is pushing for the creation of a “United States of Africa” to be governed by one president. Museveni noted that tensions… Continue reading

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A Matter Of Taste

The elections to the UN Human Rights Council brought onto that body such human rights’ violators as Libya, Angola, Malaysia, and Uganda. Indeed, 80 percent of UN members, thought the Qadhafi dictatorship… Continue reading