The U.S. Administration, the European Union, the United Nations, and Russia made the decision to rewrite history by labeling the Territories ‘Occupied Territories,’ the Settlements as an ‘Obstacle to Peace’ and ‘Not Legitimate….’ Continue reading
This week, Iranian media and top officials commended President Ahmadinejad for the speech given to the UN General Assembly last Thursday (September 23). In his address, the president claimed that the majority of the American people as well as other… Continue reading
During the resumed direct Palestinian-Israeli talks the parties must demonstrate political will and do their utmost for their success. In this connection, the decision by the Israeli authorities not to extend the moratorium on Israeli settlement activities raises serious concern. A way out should be found from the resulting situation to make sure that the negotiations continue… Continue reading
The United Arab Emirates believes that achievement of peace in the Middle East and resolution of the Arab-Israeli conflict are central and vital to the
achievement of peace and security in the entire region. And this cannot be realized without ending the Israeli occupation of the Occupied Palestinian and other Arab Territories and its withdrawal to the line of 4 June 1967, including East Jerusalem, the Syrian Golan Heights and the remaining occupied territories in Southern Lebanon, in order to… Continue reading
I have spoken of the desire and right of the people of Afghanistan tor peace and stability. We are. however, acutely aware that for over half a century our brothers and sisters in Palestine have been denied their right to an independent state, living in peaceful coexistence with its neighbors. We are… Continue reading
With direct negotiations between the Palestinians and the Israelis, а door opens to а final, two-state settlement of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict … And the establishment of an independent, viable and sovereign Palestinian state, living side bу side with Israel, will раvе the way for а comprehensive regional реасе… Continue reading
During the past years, Lebanon strived to maintain its internal stability through dialogue, by completing the implementation of the Taef Accord, by resorting to legal institutions to resolve any dispute, and by its commitment to the resolutions of the Security Council… Continue reading
President Barack Obama’s speech to the UN, September 23, 2010, is revealing on several levels. Indeed, I learned something very important about his foreign policy. But that’s at the end. He began by discussing terrorism as if it is carried out by… Continue reading
I speak on behalf of a small people, and a tiny land. We knew rebirth despite the murder of one third of our people. The Shoah. We were alone. Our land was attacked seven times in 62 years. Again. We were alone. Never giving up on hope, we developed science. We found that the future is in our hands. We learned that people can enrich land, no less than land can nourish the people. Israel is the product of pioneering human spirit… Continue reading
Iran has crossed the critical nuclear threshold taking it nearer to being able to arm ballistic missiles with nuclear warheads, weapons inspectors of the International Atomic Energy Agency reported last week… Continue reading
An organization affiliated with Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (which claimed responsibility for the Pearl Continental hotel bombing in Peshawar, Pakistan), Al-Qaeda and the global jihad, is likely responsible for the terrorist attack on… Continue reading
President Obama says Iran’s acquisition of nuclear weapons is “unacceptable,” but he appears resigned to the eventuality that the Islamic Republic will build a bomb. Iranian leaders are defiant in the face of sanctions… Continue reading
Hizballah zegt dat Israel schuldig is aan het vermoorden van de populaire Libanese leider Rafik Hariri in 2005. Genoeg voor de NOS om het zonder tegenspraak op te nemen in het 20.00 uur journaal… Lees verder
Iran expressed support of the Lebanese government’s firm stance over the incident between the Lebanese army and the IDF on August 3. Iran emphasized the role of Hezbollah and Hamas as the “defense lines” of the… Continue reading
History will record that Lebanon was integrated into the Iran-Syria empire in early August 2010. Here are some of the stories that mark that turning point, and also show how Western willingness to make concessions and… Continue reading
Ankara’s recent condemnation of Jerusalem is hypocritical. Turkish policy toward Israel, historically warm and only a decade ago approaching full alliance, has cooled since Islamists… Continue reading
How come, 35 years and one day after the negotiated return of Quneitra by Israel to Syria on June 26, 1974, the town remains unrebuilt? Because, to make a propaganda point… Continue reading
Letters of complaint from Israeli Ambassador Carmon, Chargé d’Affaires, ad interim, to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon regarding the attack by Lebanese Armed Forces on… Continue reading
Transcript and a link to an interview with UNIFIL advisor, Milos Struger and Israeli Army Radio. In the interview, Struger confirms that the IDF was below the Blue Line within Israeli territory… Continue reading
A detailed breakdown of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip for the week of July 25th-July 30th, 2010. The statistics include the amount of… Continue reading
Latest Comments
Hello Mike, Thank you for your positive feedback to the article. I felt there wasn’t too much critical analysis of ...
Thanks for this considered and well constructed article. A follow up article on the manner in which the editorial contro...
As long as Obama is the president of the usa do not trust the us government......
Thank you for an good read....