The Blue Line is an international border between Israel and Lebanon which was determined by the United Nations after the IDF withdrew from… Continue reading
Conclusive evidence shows that the Lebanese army staged a planned ambush on the IDF in Israeli territory and invited media to film the lethal attack on the IDF Tuesday… Continue reading
Israel views the firing from Lebanon on an Israel Defense Force patrol, which was operating along the Lebanese border in coordination with UNIFIL, as a severe violation of… Continue reading
Lt. Col. Dov Harari, 45, from Netanya, batallion commander of the eastern Lebanese sector was killed in a surprise Lebanese cross-border attack… Continue reading
British Prime Minister David Cameron’s July 27 speech in Turkey will not live on in history. But it should, as an example of the decline of Western diplomacy, of suicide by Political Correctness… Continue reading
You would think the kind of genocidal behavior displayed by the Ahmadinejad government in Tehran would be in violation of international law… Continue reading
The international community continues probing the Mavi Marmara flotilla and its outcome, and the UN has appointed two committees to investigate… Continue reading
Following an Israeli Cabinet decision taken June 20, Israel has begun implementing a new policy of easing restrictions on the Gaza Strip… Continue reading
Clip produced by official Israeli sources, describing the Israeli Navy’s interception of the Mavi Marmara of the Gaza Flotilla, which met with pre-planned violence on the part of… Continue reading
A nuclear bomb in the hands of an Iranian President who denies the Holocaust, threatens Israel and denies Israel the right to exist is not acceptable. Not only Israel but the entire free world is threatened… Continue reading
The following is a translation of remarks made by Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu from his address to The Marker Financial Conference this week regarding the Gaza flotilla operation… Continue reading
Having welcomed Iran into its exclusive club with open arms, the challenges facing Iranian women will obviously not be on the “Commission on the Status of Women” (CSW) agenda any time in the future. It should be noted that… Continue reading
On April 29, the United Nations elected Iran to its Commission on the Status of Women, handing a four-year seat on the influential human rights body to a [totalitarian] theocratic state in which stoning is enshrined in law and… Continue reading
The flotilla of aid to the Gaza Strip is in its final preparations before setting sail to the Gaza Strip; reports say that the first ships are scheduled to leave… Continue reading
According to the Free Gaza organization, the flotilla of aid is expected to leave for the Gaza Strip on May 24. The Hamas administration makes preparations to receive the flotilla… Continue reading
The UN Watch organization has sent a detailed letter to the UN High Commissioner of Human Rights demanding an end to anti-Israel and anti-Semitic discrimination… Continue reading
Since the February 2005 assassination of Hariri and the establishment of the UN-mandated inquiry into the killing, the primary public focus of the investigation has been on Damascus. Then, in May 2009 Der Spiegel published an article that reported in great detail on how Hizballah operatives participated in the murder, and how… Continue reading
The German news magazine Der Spiegel has reported that Saudi Arabia is hoping Israel will strike Iran’s nuclear facilities, and is even prepared to open its skies to Israeli warplanes to allow such an operation to take place… Continue reading
On Anti-White Racism… Continue reading
Professor Sadegh Zibakalam, one of Iran’s top reformist intellectuals, called on the Iranian leadership this week to accept the West’s proposal regarding the transfer of enriched uranium abroad in exchange for nuclear fuel, warning against… Continue reading
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Hello Mike, Thank you for your positive feedback to the article. I felt there wasn’t too much critical analysis of ...
Thanks for this considered and well constructed article. A follow up article on the manner in which the editorial contro...
As long as Obama is the president of the usa do not trust the us government......
Thank you for an good read....