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What Should U.S. Policy be Toward the Current Middle East Situation?

People ask me what the United States should be doing toward the upheavals in the Middle East. Here’s a short, quick list of themes… Continue reading

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U.S. Middle East Policy and Those Little Ideas That Get Millions of People Killed

I listened again to President Barack Obama’s main speech on Egypt back during the revolution and two phrases caught my ear… Continue reading

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Why U.S. Policy is so Bad: An Analysis of the Current Policymaking Process

The problem is that the people most qualified to be heard and who have the better understanding of the situation are being ignored… Continue reading

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Palestinian Authority: We Never Listen to What America Says, We Just Take the Money

This does not mean that they dictate to us whatever they want, because we do what we view as beneficial to our cause… Continue reading

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Barack Obama and the Cavalcade of Naivete

When you look at what’s happening around the world what’s happening in the Middle East, it is a manifestation of… Continue reading

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How the Obama Administration is Going to Bring Disaster to the Middle East and U.S. Interests

In a moment, I’ll present you with what might be the most frightening paragraph in the modern history of U.S. Middle East policy… Continue reading

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What Effect Will The U.S. Elections Have On Its Middle East Policy?

What effect will the congressional elections have on U.S. foreign policy generally and Middle East policy in particular? It isn’t a matter of the individual candidates, since nobody lost or won who will have some big influence on U.S. policy in the next couple of years. The important factor is… Continue reading

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Obama’s Cairo Speech: Good Intentions Plus Misunderstanding Equals Failure

Obama’s Cairo speech full with good intentions based on lots of misunderstandings… Read more

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President Barack Obama’s 2009 Cairo Speech to the Muslim World

President Obama’s outreach to the muslim world pledging “to seek a new beginning between the United States and Muslims”… Read more