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Netanyahu Emulates Churchill in Trying to Influence US Policy to Protect His People

Obama is as wrong about American history as he is about policy… Read more

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Arabs Blast “Obama’s Nuke Deal” with Iran

Arabs are worried about Iran’s growing nuclear threat to the region… Read more

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The Iranian Worldwide Terrorist Threat

The Worldwide Threat Assessment of the US Intelligence Community for 2015 does not mention Iran and Hezbollah, which were previously presented as a major source of terrorism… Read more

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Obama’s “Declaration of War” against Israel

Obama declares war on Israel… Read more

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Full Transcript of Benjamin Netanyahu’s Speech to Congress on Iran’s Nuclear Program, 2015

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the US Congress on Tuesday, March 3rd. Here is the full transcript of his speech… Read more

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The American Campaign against ISIS

America underestimated ISIS as a potential but not immediate security threat… Continue reading

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Déjà Vu: Reuters’ Fabricated Facts; John Kerry’s Abject Dishonesty

John Kerry, media and settlements… Continue reading

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The End of the ‘Wrong Side of History’

Being on the wrong side of Obama is a not particularly uncomfortable or worrying place to be… Continue reading

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Why al-Qa’ida Is Attractive (for U.S. Support of Other Islamists)

The wrong ideas are deeply embedded in large parts of the arrogant, ignorant, and financially interested establishment… Continue reading

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Diplomacy and International Relations Are Mostly About “Harb” (War) and “Salaam” (Peace)

The West’s post-Cold War naivety… Continue reading

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Why Israel Is More Secure in 2014 than in 2013

Is Israel more secure in 2014?… Continue reading

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If Libya’s U.S.-Client Prime Minister Can be Kidnapped by Al-Qaeda, Why Should Anyone Trust America?

Twelve years after the September 11 attacks, al-Qaeda still isn’t defeated… Continue reading

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O’Bagy Shows The Road to Success: Lie for Obama, Kerry, and McCain on Syria

Elizabeth O’Bagy is rewarded for being a serial liar… Continue reading

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Syrian Rebels Say: We Demand Radical Islamism; U.S. Says: We Can’t Hear You!

Thirteen Syrian rebel groups demand an Islamist state in Syria… Continue reading

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How to Deal with Obama Middle East Policy

Countries must be ready for a higher level of potential friction with the Obama Administration… Continue reading

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Russia-Iran Axis Gets Access

Has Obama’s Syria policy backfired?… Continue reading

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How to Tell the “Good Guys” in Syria

Or… do we know who the bad guys are?… Continue reading

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Why a U.S.-Led Intervention in Syria Will Make Things Worse

Why is it a bad idea to strike Syria?… Continue reading

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The Failure of Western Diplomacy in Egypt

The World’s current leaders don’t understand Egypt… Continue reading

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America’s Problems in the Middle East are Just Beginning

America’s Middle East policy is a disaster… Continue reading

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Kerry Shuttles as the Middle East Burns

Chaos in Middle East grows as the U.S. focuses on Israel… Continue reading

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What Now in Egypt? Informed Speculations

These are speculations I’m thinking through but want to share them with you… Continue reading

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It’s Time to Tell the Truth About the “Peace Process”

Has it become time that the absurd paradigm governing the “peace process” be abandoned or challenged… Continue reading

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The Meaning of Obama’s Visit to Israel

The issue is what Obama does in regard to Israeli interests… Continue reading

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Obama’s Middle East Visit as a Case Study in Media Manipulation

Rubin explains how the Middle East and Obama’s policies are distorted by the ruling establishment and misunderstood by the opposition… Continue reading