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Assessing Iraq’s Oil Industry

This article provides an overview of Iraq’s oil and gas industry, focusing in particular on its history since 2003 under the Coalition Provisional Authority and the sovereign Iraqi government… Continue reading

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Remembrance of Articles Past

Reorganizing files for my past articles I came across some amusing and revealing things you might enjoy, showing how often the region doesn’t really change… Continue reading

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Barack Obama, his rabbi and political Islam

President Barack Obama’s view of Judaism, Zionism, and Israel was very much shaped by his liberal and left-wing Jewish contacts… Continue reading

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Turkey’s Leadership Ambitions in NATO Weakened by Petty Politics

NATO’s May 20-21 heads-of-state summit in Chicago reminded everyone how Turkey is making important contributions to NATO in many key areas… Continue reading

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Why Should Obama Help Bring America’s Second-Worst Enemies to Power?

Here’s still another of a series of self-serving leaks from the Obama Administration. In this case, it reveals something very important about policy… Continue reading

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Israeli Settlements, American Pressure, and Peace

President Obama apparently believed that pressuring Israel to halt construction of homes in Jewish neighborhoods in parts of Jerusalem would advance peace. In reality, the opposite ensued… Continue reading

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Muhammad Mursi Will Use Street Power for Egyptian Presidency

The goal from the outset of the Tahrir Square revolution early last year was to get the Muslim Brotherhood installed in government through the ballot box… Continue reading

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Muslim Brotherhood Claims Victory in Presidential Elections; Signals Egyptian-Islamist/Hamas Jihad Against Israel?

A group of terrorists has attacked Israel from Egyptian territory Monday morning. As for the presidential election, the Brotherhood candidate, Muhammad al-Mursi, seems the likely winner… Continue reading

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Egypt: Things to Think About as We Await the Presidential Election Outcome

While one can certainly sympathize with the idea of letting an elected parliament being allowed to take office… Continue reading

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What to Say When You’re Handed the Obama-Is-Good-for-Israel Talking Points

Many Americans, and particularly Jews, are starting to receive mailings encouraging them to vote for President Barack Obama or donate to his reelection campaign of by arguing that he is pro-Israel… Continue reading

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How Can Obama’s Middle East Policy Possibly Get Worse? Answer: Look at Syria

Some of my readers are unhappy that I keep criticizing President Barack Obama and his government. The problem is that this administration keeps doing terrible things in the Middle East… Continue reading

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Bush and Obama Together At Last: In Misunderstanding the Middle East

In one of his first statements since leaving office, former President George W. Bush remarked on Middle East developments in an article… Continue reading

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A Sentence by the State Department Sentences The World to Disaster

If I’ve ever seen a single sentence that spells disaster in the Middle East it’s this one… Continue reading

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Turkey’s Middle East Policy of Seeking To Gobble, Gobble Up the Middle East Makes Enemies of Everyone

Countries may vary, but civilization is one, and for a nation to progress, it must take part in this one civilization… Continue reading

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Two Obama Administration Scandals on Syria?

When a delegation of Syrian Kurdish rebels recently visited Washington DC, the State Department met them to ask for a favor. What was it?… Continue reading

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Explaining Turkey’s Nuclear Policies

Despite its challenging neighborhood, Turkey has an exemplary nuclear nonproliferation record… Continue reading

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The Media Discovers What Obama’s Been Doing All Along: Al-Qaida Bad, Islamists Good

Since then, America’s enemies have made great progress; the Obama Administration almost none at all… Continue reading

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Hillary Clinton Implies: Pro-Israel Sentiment Doesn’t Reflect America

Sometimes a secretary of state is asked tough questions. How they are answered shows the underlying philosophy of official and government… Continue reading

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Obama’s “Secret” Plan on Iran’s Nuclear Weapons Issue and Why It Will Fail

The problem with the Obama administration is that it wants to pursue policies that may be acceptable to the day-dreaming cultural elite, but not to… Continue reading

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The Iraqi Model: As Good As It Gets

Iraq is in a mess. Violence continues. Factionalism leads to endless bickering. Corruption is at high levels. Christians live in fear or flee altogether. Islamism is constantly creeping forward… Continue reading

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The Eternal Liberation Movement

When we assess the global nature of the current assault on Jewish freedom and sovereignty in our country, we see that the Jewish fight for freedom is an eternal struggle… Continue reading

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Does the West Have to Be So Weak on Syria … and Everywhere Else?

America has started to leave our region and there will be no ally left to you… Continue reading

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Obama Hearts Turkish Leader Erdogan As He Oppresses His Own People and Stabs America in the Back

President Barack Obama is continuing his love affair with Turkish Islamist leader Recep Erdogan… Continue reading

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In 2011, US primacy in the Middle East died; In 2012, The Funeral Will Be Held

In the Middle East, the vultures are coming home to roost… Continue reading

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Why Obama’s Policy Will Probably Bring War with Iran Some Day

President Barack Obama hasn’t changed but the situation has, in part due to his actions… Continue reading