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Jordan’s King Abdullah meets with Abbas discussing Syria and Israel-Palestinian issue in a rare West Bank visit

Jordan’s King Abdullah II arrived in Ramallah at very short notice for his first visit in more than a decade… Continue reading

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Turkish Foreign Policy in Evolution

Turkish government representatives insist that they want to develop good ties in all directions… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: U.S. Discusses Goldstone Report with Israeli Human Rights Activists, Red Cross, Academic and Legal Experts

U.S. diplomat Michael Posner met with several non-governmental interlocutors regarding the Israeli response to the Goldstone Report… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: U.S. Discusses Operation Cast Lead Investigations with IDF

The meetings reviewed legal and operational issues related to IDF activities during Operation Cast Lead… Continue reading

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Why Did Sarkozy and Obama “Dis” (Disrespect) Bibi?

During a conversation when they thought nobody was listening French President Nicholas Sarkozy and U.S. President Barack Obama said… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Mustafa Abdul Jalil, an Islamist all along

When Abdul Jalil talks about reforms, he is (and was) doing so with an Islamist agenda in mind… Continue reading

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Obama Administration Promotes Islamist Regimes; Insists They are Moderate

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s speech justifying Obama Administration Middle East policy changes everything… Continue reading

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Russia says military strike on Iran ‘very serious mistake’

On Monday Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov warned that a possible Israeli military strike against Iran… Continue reading

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Middle East: Why Obama can’t tame the Islamists

Many people find it hard to comprehend what the Obama Administration thinks it’s doing in the Middle East… Continue reading

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King Abdallah of Jordan on How No One Trusts Obama’s Government

I think there is going to be less coordination with the West and therefore a chance of more misunderstandings… Continue reading

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Qatar’s Sunni Side

How could Qatar’s foreign policy best be defined during the Arab Spring… Continue reading

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Welcome to the Islamist Middle East and It’s Not Going to be Moderate

The New York Times and BBC headlines on the Tunisian elections tell us it is a victory for “moderate Islamists”… Continue reading

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Libya: A Sharia State?

Libya’s transitional leader Mustafa Abdul-Jalil was quite clear about his intentions for liberated Libya… Continue reading

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Gaddafi Dead – So What?

What a myopic view the Western media and its array of “experts” have concerning the so-called “Arab Spring”… Continue reading

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What Gaddafi’s Death Teaches the Middle East…And Should Teach the West

What can we learn from the death of Libyan dictator Moammar Qadhafi… Continue reading

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Assessing Bahrain

Critics have often argued that Western nations have been hypocritical in their policies towards Bahrain… Continue reading

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What’s happening in the Middle East: Fleeing Christians, “Moderate” Imam, Mad Turkish Leader, Syrian Revolution

Christians are fleeing the Middle East and Western Christians are indifferent… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Norwegian anti-Semitism and anti-Israel bias

These three cables from the U.S. embassy in Oslo give us a nasty view on Norway’s anti-Semitism and anti-Israel bias… Continue reading

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Iran: Turkey criticized over its decision to deploy anti-missile radar in Turkish territory

Turkey came under increasing criticism from Iran this week over its decision to sign an agreement allowing the United States to deploy… Continue reading

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International Efforts to Avoid the Palestinian UN Bid Will Inevitably Fail Because Western Policy is So Bad

I have seen about 20 articles today about why the UN bid isn’t in the PA’s interest and why they should stop… Continue reading

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Will Abbas Back Down From UN Statehood Bid?

The tempest which Israel had tensely anticipated for September in the wake of a Palestinian bid for unilateral UN recognition of their state… Continue reading

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Netanyahu Following the Embassy Attack in Cairo: “We continue to keep the peace with Egypt”

Hours after a mob attacked Israel’s embassy in Cairo, Israeli prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu, says Israel will continue… Continue reading

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Libya: U.S. confirms al Qaeda members’ role in rebel command

The Obama administration finally acknowledged that al Qaeda elements had been fighting in Libyan rebel ranks in last week’s capture of Tripoli… Continue reading

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Egyptians in Terror Attack? Warning from Egypt to Israel? Where is U.S. Leadership? Playing Golf

To begin with, President Obama’s supporters are praising him for having overthrown Libyan dictator Muammar al-Qadhafi… Continue reading