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The Myth That Contemporary Western Mass Media Help Understand the World: An Example on Pakistan

A remarkable amount of what’s written on the Middle East in the mass media is nonsensical… Continue reading

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One Degree of Separation: President Obama, al-Qaida’s New Leader, and Their “Mutual Friend”

Ayman al-Zawahiri, nephew of a Nazi collaborator and grandson of the man who helped produce the… Continue reading

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U.S. Government Cheers As Turkey May Go Islamist and Anti-American

Will 250 million people live under revolutionary Islamist regimes by the end of this year… Continue reading

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How Obama Destroyed Any “Peace Process” And Sabotaged Himself in the Middle East

Obama demands freeze on all Israeli construction in existing settlements, undoing 16 years of U.S. and Palestinian Authority (PA) acceptance… Continue reading

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Naksa Day Clashes: U.S. says “Israel has right to defend itself”

The United States said Sunday Israel has the right to defend itself, just as every sovereign nation although it is “deeply troubled” over clashes… Continue reading

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Rahm Emanuel Tries to Build Up Obama on Israel But Digs Him Into a Deeper Hole

You know that President Barack Obama understands he’s got problems with Israel… Continue reading

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Egypt Is The New Iran

To put it simply, what has happened in Egypt is not just the undoing of the “Mubarak regime” but the undoing of the “Sadat regime,” that is… Continue reading

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How Obama Administration Mishandling of the Palestinian Unilateral Independence Bid is Wasting 2011

And so he rushes off to Europe to muster support so that the United States is not alone… Continue reading

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It’s Official: I Announce My Candidacy to be Middle East Czar for the U.S. Government

A politician needs the ability to foretell what is going to happen tomorrow, next week, next month, and next year… Continue reading

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Syria: Are all dictators created equal?

The sharp dichotomy in America’s approach to bad guys is not merely intellectually inconsistent, it is muddled thinking… Continue reading

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Our World: Why Borders Matter

A reader asks whether there are any defensible borders in the modern world because it is possible to fire missiles or rockets across a border… Continue reading

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Obama’s “Muslim Problem”

The idea that President Barack Obama is secretly a Muslim is ridiculous… Continue reading

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Iran: Reactions to President Obama’s Speech – “It’s all Words”

President Obama’s Middle East and North Africa speech was met with skepticism in Iran, and said to be an expression of… Continue reading

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Here In One Sentence is What Obama Doesn’t Understand About the Middle East

The changes in the region are producing more extremism, not more moderation… Continue reading

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The Key to Obama’s Foreign Policy: The World Turned Upside Down

I think I’ve made a breakthrough in understanding President Barack Obama’s foreign policy of punishing friends, rewarding enemies, and… Continue reading

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Obama Forgets History And Thus Makes Future Disastrous History

A reader writes to me that I don’t understand how President Barack Obama is really friendly toward Israel… Continue reading

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Obama At AIPAC: Beneath The Flattery, He Revealed His Indifference to Israel’s Needs and His Tilt Against It

I expected President Barack Obama’s AIPAC speech would be a bunch of feel-good clichés to persuade the audience that he is… Continue reading

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Obama Speech: Not Intended To Bash Israel But Did So Anyway

Only twenty percent of Obama’s Middle East speech dealt with Israel-Palestinian issues and that only at the end. Clearly, this was… Continue reading

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Obama’s Middle East Speech: A Big and Revealing Mistake That Nobody Has Noticed

There is a small detail at the end of Obama’s big Middle East speech that everyone has overlooked up until now but which shows how… Continue reading

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Obama’s Middle East Speech: The Opposite of Strategy Is Catastrophe

President Barack Obama’s big Middle East speech is extraordinarily important. I think that it has been largely misinterpreted… Continue reading

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President Obama’s Abandonment of America

Before we get into what the speech means for Israel, it is important to consider what it means for America… Continue reading

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PM Netanyahu Statement on Obama’s Speech: Slams call for ‘Palestine’ based on ’67 lines

A day before their scheduled meeting in Washington, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and US President Barack Obama staked out… Continue reading

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The West’s Foreign Policy Theme – Like Me Before You Kill Me – Applied to Israel

Recently, it was revealed that President Barack Obama had consulted Tom Friedman in formulating his Middle East policy… Continue reading

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The Myth of President Obama’s Middle East Speech

I don’t want to speculate about President Barack Obama’s Middle East speech. I’ll wait to hear it. But the… Continue reading

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Obama: Muslim Outreach 2.0

On Thursday, President Obama will “reach out” yet again to what he insists on calling “the Muslim world.” Think of it as… Continue reading