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Great Moments in American Diplomacy: Getting Killer Dictators to Have An “Alternative Vision” of Themselves

I don’t have to write anything to make fun of current U.S. Middle East policy. All I have to do is quote administration officials… Continue reading

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The Roots of U.S. Policy Insanity in the Middle East and the Cure

Why is U.S. and European policy toward the Middle East so off-base, and why do policymakers believe the strange things they think and… Continue reading

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U.S. Middle East Policy Becomes Clinically Insane

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s latest pronouncements are just plain horrifying. Consider what she said… Continue reading

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Iranian Reactions to Bin Laden’s Killing: from Skepticism to anti-American Defiance

It was no surprise that the killing of Osama Bin Laden provoked a great deal of interest in Iran… Continue reading

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Muslim Brotherhood: Obama’s Chosen Partner for Promoting American Interests in the Arab World

Barack Obama, President of Israel’s best friend and ally, has picked the Muslim Brotherhood movement of the Middle East as his chosen partner… Continue reading

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U.S. Pushes Pakistani Intelligence to the Wall

The Obama administration is presenting the successful Osama bin Laden hit as an epic American solo operation, unparalleled in… Continue reading

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U.S. Policy Toward Palestinian Authority-Hamas Deal: Any Change Coming?

Here’s Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on the Hamas-Palestinian Authority deal… Continue reading

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Syria: Why Are Western Governments Protecting Their Worst Enemy…While Trashing Their Friends

Here’s an unavoidable question: Why is it that when a relatively moderate Middle East state is threatened by demonstrations… Continue reading

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U.S. Won’t Support Any Palestinian Fatah-Hamas Gov’t Unless Hamas Reforms

The U.S. won’t support any Fatah-Hamas government that includes Hamas unless the Islamist Jihadi group reforms… Continue reading

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Progress? Now Even Egypt’s Religious Establishment Hates America

This is the kind of serious development that everyone better pay close attention to if they want to understand what’s going on in the Middle East… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: New IAEA Chief Agrees With U.S. On “Every Key Strategic Decision”

The incoming head of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) assures the U.S. that he agrees with the U.S. on… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Cables Portray Hamid Karzai as Weak and Corrupt

Diplomats describe Afghan president as weak, indecisive, paranoid and beholden to criminals to maintain power… Continue reading

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Who Makes U.S. Policy? UN, Arab League, international community or U.S. Government?

This interview with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton deserves close analysis for a reason that… Continue reading

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Syria’s Biggest Crisis in 40 Years

Today [April 23] Syria has entered its biggest internal crisis since 1970. The regime has come out to crush the… Continue reading

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What Will Happen on the “Peace Process,” Why It Will Fail, Why It Will Do Harm

There is confusion on two points regarding the Israel-Palestinian “peace process”… Continue reading

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Obama’s Passover Message Misses the Message of Passover

There’s some controversy about President Barack Obama’s Passover message. The key passage is this… Continue reading

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Saudis give up on US, instigate direct Gulf action against Iran

After giving up on US and Israel ever confronting Iran, Saudi Arabia has gone out on a limb against the Obama administration… Continue reading

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Explaining the Middle East to President Obama In One Sentence

How would you explain the Middle East to President Obama in one sentence? Here’s my take… Continue reading

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Libya is A Brave Face on a Farce

In what may become a symbolic photo of the current Libyan intervention, Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi was shown on… Continue reading

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Syrian Revolt Spreads to Ruling Alawite Tribes

The popular uprising against Syrian President Bashar Assad is still spreading… Continue reading

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Reading Ahmadinejad in Riga

There’s nothing like having to explain a complex subject to people to improve one’s own understanding of the issues… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: U.S. Government Outlines ‘Dilemma’ in Event of Iraqi Crackdown on Iranian Dissidents

The Mujahedin e-Khalq faces a difficult position in Iraq as the Iraqi government has made clear it considers the group a terrorist organization… Continue reading

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Saudi Arabia, Gulf States: Iran Is Attacking Us; Obama Administration: Excuses, Excuses!

How sadly ironic. A few years ago, the two previous U.S. presidents were trying to get Gulf Arab states to do more to foster an… Continue reading

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How Many Points did Iran and Islamists Score So Far this Year?

Events in the Middle East have moved so quickly that one almost needs a daily scorecard to keep up. This article will try to give a basic picture… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Iran Undermining U.S. Efforts in Afghanistan and Training Taliban Militants

Iran is financing a range of Afghan religious and political leaders, grooming Afghan religious scholars, training Taliban militants and… Continue reading