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Syrian Revolution Takes Off – Where is American Support?

As of today, one can say that the revolution in Syria must be taken seriously. Not only were the demonstrations large but also they… Continue reading

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Westophobia: Why Do “They” Hate America? Just Listen

Why do people in certain parts of the world hate America? Some think it’s because of U.S. support of Israel or other policies… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Peace Negotiations Only Option for Afghanistan?

The remarkably moderate private views of a group of former Taliban regime officials are revealed in detail by the US embassy cables… Continue reading

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Mass Media Now Admits It Was Also Wrong About Post-Mubarak Egypt’s Foreign Policy

Now that the New York Times tells us that the Muslim Brotherhood is really strong, organized, widely supported by the army, and capable of taking… Continue reading

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Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said in his Damascus speech on Wednesday that foreign conspirators are responsible for the ongoing… Continue reading

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Egypt Leaves the Anti-Iran Bloc

The next step will no doubt be Egypt’s rapprochement with the Hamas regime in the Gaza Strip… Continue reading

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They Have a Name for Bombing Libya

After the West shamefully ignored the brutal crushing of the democracy uprisings in Iran we now have the bizarre… Continue reading

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The Intervention in Libya: A Feel-Good Mirage

The Western intervention in Libya is the kind of thing that makes governments feel good and look good… Continue reading

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The Obama Administration Will Do Zero to Criticize or Undermine the Syrian Dictatorship

It’s official. The Obama Administration won’t do anything at all to help the Syrian people against the Bashar al-Asad dictatorship… Continue reading

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Why Moderate Arabs Are Horrified at Obama Administration Policy

I’ve seen a lot in media expressing the views of the Gulf Arab states and officials’ statements… Continue reading

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Secretary of Defense Robert Gates Urges Syria Regime Overthrow Against White House Policy

As I’ve reported, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates is horrified by White House policies in the Middle East. Indeed, he has an extra reason for… Continue reading

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Israel-Hamas War is Inevitable

The Egyptian revolution and U.S. policy mistakes make a new Israel-Hamas war inevitable, and as a result it will be a lot more… Continue reading

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Hillary’s Friends Echo Our Analysis: No Excuse for Not Knowing U.S. Foreign Policy Is At the Iceberg

Every analyst loves the day when policymakers and national leaders start echoing precisely what he’s been writing for… Continue reading

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Middle East on Fire: March 21, 2011

Events are happening so fast that I can only summarize, trying to add some analytical depth to each development. So here goes… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: U.S. Doubts over Afghan Re-Integration Plan

At President Karzai’s direction, the Afghan Office of the National Security Council has taken on the task of interagency coordination of… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: US Committee Mulls How to Influence Behavior of Criminal and Corrupt Afghan Officials

US Committee consider possible courses of action that U.S. military and Embassy personnel may employ against criminal and corrupt Afghan officials… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Allies Find Briefing on Afghanistan “Gloomy”

U.S. National Intelligence Officer (NiO) for South Asia, Dr. Peter Lavoy, briefed NATO Permanent Representatives on the National Intelligence Estimate… Continue reading

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Islamists Don’t Want to be America’s “Buddies”

The thing I fear most is foreign intervention. Our people and societies must realize that their main enemy abroad is the U.S. and the Zionist gang… Continue reading

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No Wonder Hillary Resigned! Mr. Burns Explains U.S. Middle East Policy

For a comprehensive statement of current U.S. Middle East policy you can’t do better than the testimony of Undersecretary of State for… Continue reading

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Why U.S. Policy is so Bad: An Analysis of the Current Policymaking Process

The problem is that the people most qualified to be heard and who have the better understanding of the situation are being ignored… Continue reading

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What Next in Egypt? A Detailed Assessment

The Egyptian political situation has now entered a new phase. The first order of business is to write a new constitution, a process that should take months… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: U.S. Ongoing Concerns about Syrian Behavior

Even as the U.S. take specific steps the U.S. will continue to have ongoing concerns about Syrian behavior that have not gone away because of a change in administrations… Continue reading

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Egypt: The Turning Point, The Regime’s Plan on What to Do Next

Out of “good intentions,” the United States is headed the biggest catastrophe in the history of its relations with the Middle East. Thirty years after Iran’s revolution produced a similar situation, nothing has been learned by U.S. policymakers… Continue reading

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U.S. Policy Toward Algeria as a Case Study for the Egypt Crisis

Two former ambassadors and several current and former U.S. diplomats have written me agreeing with my warnings regarding Egypt… Continue reading

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Whose Fault is the Egyptian Revolt?

Robert Malley, son of Simon Malley, ace Israel-hater, scion of the Egyptian Communist Party, former White House aide, and a key person in the lobby of Middle East… Continue reading