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The NYT Promotes Muslim Brotherhood Lies, Covering Up for Nazi Collaborators

Recently, Tariq Ramadan, considered by the Western intelligentsia to be the very epitome of enlightened Islamism, wrote a New York Times op-ed in which… Continue reading

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Swiss: Ben Ali Son-In-Law Wanted Residency

Former Tunisian president Ben Ali’s son-in-law Sakher Matri had requested a residency permit for Geneva, apparently to… Continue reading

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Libya: US Military Advisers in Cyrenaica

Hundreds of US, British and French military advisers have arrived in Cyrenaica, Libya’s eastern breakaway province… Continue reading

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Israel on High Alert for Iranian Warships’ Suez Transit Carrying Missiles for Hizballah

Cairo’s approval Friday, Feb. 18 for two Iranian warships to transit the Suez Canal on their way to the Mediterranean has brought Israel and Iran… Continue reading

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The Coming Challenge to Democracy in the Middle East

Today, the Friends of Israel Initiative released its 3rd dispatch. In the dispatch they featured a nice piece about the challenges to democracy the Middle East will… Continue reading

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Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty: A Warning Sign

The idea that a new government in Egypt might simply cancel Egypt’s Peace Agreement with Israel has been greeted with disinterest by both the… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: U.S. Seeking Ways to Advance Human Rights in Egypt

Michael Posner (Assistant Secretary of State) told activists and opposition politicians that the U.S. is seeking ways to advance human rights and political participation in Egypt… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Turkey, Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism

Combating terrorism has long been a priority for the Government of Turkey (GOT). In its early and strong support of the coalition in the global war against terror… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Tehran has ‘Technical Ability’ to Make Highly Enriched Uranium

US officials believe Iran now has the “technical ability” to make highly enriched uranium, an essential step towards building a nuclear bomb, according… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Israel Weighs Up Palestinian Aid

The MOD (Ministry of Defense) is evaluating and prioritizing all foreign assistance projects in the Palestinian territories in order to determine which should have continued support… Continue reading

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The Revolt in Egypt and U.S. Policy

There is no good policy for the United States regarding the uprising in Egypt but the Obama Administration may be adopting something close to the worst option… Continue reading

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Can Mercenaries Help Battle Piracy and Stabilize Somalia?

Pirates are non-state actors who cause serious international problems that are sometimes beyond the reach or interest of most governments. Mercenaries are non-state… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: US Orders to Spy on Israel and Palestinians

The WikiLeaks website last week leaked a secret State Department cable from October 31, 2008, directing United States officials to spy on Israel. The cable, dated only days… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Jihadist Working at US Embassy in the Hague

A Dutch-Croatian woman, working as a telephonist at the American Embassy in The Hague, attended anti-American jihadist websites and had jihadist friends, according to a… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: France Under Fire over Support for Tunisia

The French president, Nicolas Sarkozy, was accused Monday of tacitly propping up dictatorship in north Africa and of botched diplomacy in France’s ambivalent response to… Continue reading

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Concerns in Iran over South Sudan Referendum

This week, Iran’s conservative press expressed dissatisfaction with and concern over the referendum held in Sudan, in which the African residents of southern Sudan will decide if they… Continue reading

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Turkish National Security Policy in 2010 and Beyond

Turkish foreign policy was more visible in 2010 than ever before. If one is optimistic, one can hazard that we will see a “regression toward the mean” in Turkey’s relations with the West. If 2010 was generally a bad year for that relationship, the situation… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: New Zealand Praised By Hamas

Praise from Hamas was an unwanted consequence of New Zealand’s strong diplomatic reaction to the conviction of two Israeli men on passport fraud charges… Continue reading

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Hamas Denounces UNRWA Following Palestinian Youth Delegation’s Visit to the U.S.

An UNRWA delegation of 15 Palestinian youths in UNRWA schools in the Gaza Strip who excelled in the study of human rights, conflict resolution and tolerance went to the United States for a visit. During their stay they met with members of the… Continue reading

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HRW Slams Israel’s ‘Discrimination’ and Endorses Boycott

Human Rights Watch released a report today accusing Israel of “harshly discriminating against Palestinian residents, depriving them of basic necessities while providing lavish amenities for Jewish settlements… Continue reading

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Why Is It So Urgent to Try to Resolve the Israel-Palestinian Conflict?

Why? Of course, it would make sense to move ahead if it was clear that both sides wanted a deal and an agreement could easily be achieved. But in fact the Palestinian Authority (PA) doesn’t even want to negotiate… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: PSSSST!

Today’s cartoon asks the question “If an American diplomat speaks in a forest and there’s nobody from Wikileaks to leak us the truth, is there a noise?”… Continue reading

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Netanyahu: Talks should focus on ‘core issues’ that are at the root of the conflict

Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu described the issue of settlements Monday as a “marginal” part of peace talks and said he was glad the United States had abandoned its demand for a renewed freeze… Continue reading

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Palestinian Authority to Cancel All Security Commitments to Israel

Khana Amira, a senior Palestinian official, told the newspaper that the Palestinians are also considering canceling its other security commitments to Israel, including fighting terror… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: ‘Israel Kan Het Zich Niet Veroorloven Om Iran Te Onderschatten’

De recent gelekte geheime memo’s van Amerikaanse Ambassades in het Midden Oosten geven ons een duidelijk beeld van de politieke realiteit en de krachtsverhoudingen in het Midden Oosten. Er komen enkele steeds terugkerende elementen naar voren uit… Lees verder