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Bishops must break silence on Trócaire

Dr Mark Dooley has written a follow up to his Trócaire article that was posted here a few days ago… Continue reading

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Archbishop Dominique Mamberti Addresses the General Debate of the 66th Session of the General Assembly

Christians suffered the most persecution worldwide because of their faith… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Vatican Says No to Ahmadinejad Papal Audience

Holy See Undersecretary for Relations with States Monsignor Pietro Parolin told Ambassador that Pope Benedict would not receive Iranian President Ahmadinejad… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Pope Wanted Muslim Turkey Kept Out of EU

In 2004 Cardinal Ratzinger, the future pope, spoke out against letting a Muslim state join, although at the time the Vatican was formally neutral on the question… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Ahmadinejad Ordered Capture of British Servicemen ‘For Domestic Reasons’

In conversations with foreign ministry officials in Brunei, US diplomats hear what their counterparts believe was behind the capture of 15 British servicemen and women by Iran earlier in the month. The Brunei officials say they think… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: ‘Vaticaan Denkt Aan Eigen Belang In Midden Oosten’

Een Amerikaanse diplomaat beklaagt zich in een memo van 3 juli 2001 erover dat het Vaticaan weinig behulpzaam is in het Vredesproces en Midden Oosten diplomatie, omdat de Heilige Stoel [het bestuurlijke orgaan] vrijwel uitsluitend aan haar eigen… Lees verder

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Christian Minorities in the Middle East: News For The Pope

Priest Wasseem Sabeeh was halfway through Sunday Mass, in Our Lady of Salvation in Baghdad, when an explosion shook the church. Suddenly men with guns yelling Islamic prayers burst into the church. They fired at the priests… Continue reading