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Lebanon: Fractured Past, Bleak Present

Bill Harris is one of the world’s leading authorities on Lebanon. In this interview he discusses politics there; the possibilities of war with Israel; how Western policy let down the moderates; and the dramatic effects of the Syrian civil war on that neighboring country… Continue reading

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The Pragmatics of Lebanon’s Politics

Lebanese society has had a remarkable ability to overcome deep-rooted sectarian and religious divides that could readily have imploded less problematic countries… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Saoedi-Arabië Wilde Met Arabisch Leger Hezbollah Verjagen Uit Libanon

Als er één positief aspect genoemd kan worden over Cablegate, zoals de gelekte documenten op WikiLeaks ook wel genoemd worden, dan is het wel dat de documenten onverbiddelijk de realiteit weergeven van het diplomatieke krachtenspel in het Midden Oosten… Lees verder

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WikiLeaks: Libanon Informeerde Westen Over Geheim Hezbollah Communicatienetwerk

De Libanese regering heeft Westerse landen vlak vóór het uitbreken van de straatgevechten tussen het Libanese leger en de Hezbollah-beweging in Beiroet [begin mei 2008] geïnformeerd dat Hezbollah een geheim modern communicatienetwerk, betaald door “Iran Telecom”, gebruikte… Lees verder

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Syria and Hizballah are Building a Massive Wall in Lebanon

It’s no secret that the Syrian government is highly involved in supporting terrorist groups such as the Hizballah in Lebanon. The latest plan of the Hizballah/Syrian threat to Israel is a massive fortified wall designed as an obstacle against any Israeli tank forces heading… Continue reading

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The Obama Administration’s Double Standards on The Middle East

While the Obama Administration is fiddling over the construction of apartments in Jerusalem, the Middle East is burning. Yet these other issues don’t attract the attention—and certainly not the action—required… Continue reading

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The Real Arab Stuff

A common perception is that under President Barack Obama, America’s image has improved, and perhaps its friends have increased. But such claims are unfounded, as the opposite proves to be true… Continue reading