Britain made “little progress” in reaching out to Muslim communities despite investing “considerable time and resources” after the 7/7 London bombings in 2005, US diplomats concluded in cables passed to… Continue reading
Turning to the subject of counter-bio-terrorism cooperation, Singh reported that Indian intelligence is picking up chatter indicating jihadi groups are interested in bio-terrorism, for example seeking out like-minded… Continue reading
Curious how the niqabi’s hidden identity would be handled, I looked back as the trio was dealing with the security agent. To my astonishment, the agent did not demand to see the niqabi’s face but was… Continue reading
IHH had links to global jihad and Islamic terrorist networks in the past and assisted jihadist terrorist cells in many countries, including Bosnia, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and Chechnya. IHH provided mainly logistic support for transporting weapons and funding… Continue reading
When will the United States learn that our current behavior and lack of a coordinated existential strategy since 9-11 is obviously not working? As a devout and concerned… Continue reading
Rachel Ehrenfeld recently wrote an article about the financing of Islamic Terrorism and Jihad with Drug Money by the Taliban and al-Qaeda. Drug money is funding the Taliban’s increasingly numerous and bolder attacks in Afghanistan. Yet, the United States has… Continue reading
Do you see much difference between what happened with Bush and Sharon and what is happening now between Obama and Netanyahu? The subversive elements in the US-Israeli relationship have been playing their role much… Continue reading
Jordan’s King Abdullah spoke with The Wall Street Journal’s Jay Solomon on a wide range of issues before leaving for Washington to attend President Obama’s Nuclear Security Summit… Continue reading
I recently received an email accusing me of hating Arabs and my father. This email is typical of Arab media accusations of my views regarding the Arab-Israeli conflict. Since most Arabs have no chance to… Continue reading
Fourteen centuries of war against European Civilization… Continue reading
This week, Thomas Friedman, wrote an article about the virtual warfare (using internet) that’s going on in recruiting new jihadists for the Global Jihad. He calls on the Arabs and Muslims around the world to speak out against the radical Jihadists and the terroristic organizations and if necessary to start a civil war against them… Continue reading
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Hello Mike, Thank you for your positive feedback to the article. I felt there wasn’t too much critical analysis of ...
Thanks for this considered and well constructed article. A follow up article on the manner in which the editorial contro...
As long as Obama is the president of the usa do not trust the us government......
Thank you for an good read....