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Can Afghanistan Be Rescued?

U.S. president Barack Obama entered office with a bold plan to combat Afghanistan’s escalating insurgency… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Former Terrorist Says Al-Qaeda Lacks Financing

In a September 6 interview with liberal daily Al-Watan, former Al-Qaeda fighter Fawaz Al-Otaibi, whose surrender to… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Allies Find Briefing on Afghanistan “Gloomy”

U.S. National Intelligence Officer (NiO) for South Asia, Dr. Peter Lavoy, briefed NATO Permanent Representatives on the National Intelligence Estimate… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Saudis fear ‘Shia triangle’ of Iran, Iraq and Pakistan

America is often portrayed as the big dog in Pakistan’s yard: a swaggering power that makes rules, barks orders and throws its weight around… Continue reading

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What if the Taliban Wins the War on Terror?

What will happen with the Afghan people and the rest of the world when facing a strong and revived Taliban with it’s backward islam and hate against western values and zionist presence in Israel… Continue reading