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Death Penalty for Selling Land to Jews

Israel’s peace partner reaffirmed on Sunday that Palestinians convicted of selling land to Jews would face the death penalty for “high treason.” PA officials claim the death penalty deters Arabs from selling land to Jews living in Judea and Samaria, which they envision free of Jewish residents in a future Palestinian state… Continue reading

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A Future History of Palestine

The following article isn’t intended to reject a two-state solution but to point out issues that would inevitably arise if one ever came about. Recently, a once-major American magazine ran a cover story saying Israelis aren’t desperately eager for “peace” without ever mentioning the real reasons… Continue reading

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Netanyahu Hopes To Have Mideast Peace Agreement In A Year

There is no guarantee that talks between Israel and the Palestinians will succeed, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a Jewish New Year greeting released Tuesday, but he promised to strive for… Continue reading

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The Dilemma of Diplomats

Diplomats, a British ambassador explained several centuries ago, are gentlemen sent abroad to lie for their country. I’d add that the problems start when they start to lie on behalf of other countries, while the disaster begins when they start to lie for… Continue reading

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Hamas: Jews in Judea and Samaria are ‘Legitimate Targets’

The Hamas terrorist group declared Saturday that Jews in Judea and Samanaria are “legitimate military targets” and vowed to continue its attacks in the region… Continue reading

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Recent Easing of Measures in the West Bank

The following is a comprehensive list of recent measures taken to improve the quality of life for West Bank residents, as well as for Gaza Strip, Jewish, and Arab residents wishing to enter the West Bank. Along with easing measures during the… Continue reading

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PM Netanyahu’s Remarks at the Start of the Israeli-Palestinian Peace Talks

First of all, the recognition of Israel as the national state of the Jewish People, the end of the conflict and of claims on Israel, that will stem from recognizing it as the national state of the Jewish People, and the establishment of tangible security measures… Continue reading

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Israeli Sovereignty Over Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria

It is widely accepted, but not correct, that the West Bank belongs to the local Arabs in Palestine who call themselves Palestinians. Israel’s position has not recently been fully stated. At most, it is said that… Continue reading

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Palestinian Reactions to the Direct Talks Invitation

The PLO’s executive committee held a meeting in Ramallah on August 20 chaired by Mahmoud Abbas, and said it agreed to relaunch direct negotiations based on the announcement of the International Quartet… Continue reading

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So what’s really going on in the Palestinian economy?

Whether you look at Gaza or the West Bank, it is difficult to get a true picture of economic progress. Fox News reports of the spanking new shopping mall in Gaza. Erected despite the Hamas claims that there are no materials to build new homes… Continue reading

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How Palestinian Politics and Ideology Works

The Palestinian Authority continues to be dominated by the politics of rejectionism and the fact that Hamas rules almost half of the land it purports to speak for must be taken into account… Continue reading

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Why the Israel-Palestinian Talks Will Fail

The U.S. announcement inviting Israel and the Palestinian Authority (PA) for direct talks shows quite clearly, though unintentionally, why the talks will fail… Continue reading

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Israel’s Critical Security Needs for a Viable Peace

Israel, in any future agreement with the Palestinians, has a critical need for defensible borders. This video outlines the threats to Israel from terrorist rockets, ballistic missiles, and conventional ground… Continue reading

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Obama and Netanyahu’s Assent to Bushehr – a Slippery Slope for Israel’s Security

The Obama administration and Netanyahu government greeted the start-up of Iran’s first nuclear reactor at Bushehr with extraordinary meekness, given the grim military and strategic hazards it represents for the region and Israel in particular… Continue reading

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Israel and Palestinians to Resume Direct Talks?

The big story of the moment is the announcement that there will soon be direct negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority (PA). Will the Fatah barons agree to let “President” Mahmoud Abbas talk? We will see if this new round of negotiations actually happens or not… Continue reading

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Palestinians From the Disputed Territories Get Medical Treatment in Israeli Hospitals

Every year thousands of Palestinian patients from Gaza and the West Bank are treated in Israeli hospitals across the country. Patients also come from… Continue reading

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How Should Media Handle Conflict?

Would mainstream media mavens be willing to discuss their practices and listen to critics? Will discussions like this change anything in terms of how stories about conflicts are framed and phrased… Continue reading

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Netanyahu-Obama Talks To Stress On Five Key Issues

Five time bombs with short fuses are ticking under the seats of Israeli prime minister Benyamin Netanyahu and US president Barack Obama on five key issues on which the US president… Continue reading

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World Cup Teams Israelis and Palestinians Support

Without their own players in South Africa, Israelis and Palestinians are embracing international squads with the sort of passion usually reserved for the home team… Continue reading

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Hizballah Spiritual Leader Muhammad Fadlallah died in a Beirut Hospital

Lebanon’s Grand Ayatollah Muhammad Hussein Fadl-Allāh one of Shiite Islam’s main religious figures, died Sunday after a long illness. He was not a voice of moderation at all… Continue reading

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What the Sentence “It’s Wrong” Actually Means

I’m not sure what the sentence “It’s wrong” actually means. I can think of dozens of things in the Middle East, or in the world, that can said to be “wrong,” yet what… Continue reading

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Hamas plans to liberate Palestine in its entirety

If we could liberate the Negev now, we would continue [our military activity], but our capabilities dictate that after we got rid of the Israeli presence in Gaza, we must finish off the remnants… Continue reading

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No Strategic Rationality in Obama’s Gaza Policy

In other words, the United States has no problem with Hamas ruling Gaza as long as weapons are kept out. There is absolutely no strategic concept in the… Continue reading

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Another Clueless Israeli

“Hamas is not just a terrorist organization. Hamas is an idea, a desperate and fanatical idea that grew out of the desolation and frustration of many Palestinians.” It must be our fault… Continue reading

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Obama Understands Neither Hamas Nor Israel, Neither the Middle East Nor Islamism

Aside from all this, Obama displays no strategic sense. He should make clear that the United States does not want an Iranian client, a revolutionary jihadists Taliban-like regime on the Mediterranean Sea. It should be the goal of U.S. policy to avoid… Continue reading