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Mossad: ‘Hezbollah Can Fire 400-600 Rockets a Day in Next War’

Hezbollah would likely shoot between 400 and 600 missiles a day into Israel during a future war, a senior Mossad official told a congressional delegation to Israel in 2009, according to a US diplomatic cable published on Sunday… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Israel Preparing for ‘Large Scale War’

Israel’s army chief told a US Congress delegation in late 2009 he was preparing for a large war in the Middle East, probably against Hamas or Hezbollah, leaked US diplomatic cables showed on Sunday… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Lockerbie Bomber Released after Gaddafi’s Threats Against UK

The British government’s deep fears that Libya would take “harsh and immediate” action against UK interests if the convicted Lockerbie bomber died in a Scottish prison are revealed in secret US embassy cables which show London’s full… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: U.S. Embassy Cables Deeply Unflattering about Tunisia

Deeply unflattering reports from the US embassy in Tunis, released by WikiLeaks, make no bones about the state of the small Maghreb country, widely considered one of the most repressive in… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: The Eccentricities of Libyan Leader Gadaffi Revealed

Recent first-hand experiences with Libyan Leader Muammar al-Qadhafi … primarily in preparation for his UNGA trip, provided rare insights into Qadhafi’s inner circle and… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Ugandan President’s Fears of Libyan Attack

Ugandan President Museveni said Libyan President Qadhafi “is a problem” for the continent and is pushing for the creation of a “United States of Africa” to be governed by one president. Museveni noted that tensions… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Hosni Mubarak, Egypt’s President-for-Life

A secret American assessment suggests Hosni Mubarak intends to seek another presidential term in 2011 despite his advanced years, that the election will not be free or fair, and that he will likely stay in office until he… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Pakistan Home to 43 ‘Terrorist Camps’

In June 2009, India’s army chief, General Deepak Kapoor, used a meeting with US national security adviser Jim Jones to claim that Pakistan was home to 43 “terrorist camps”, while rejecting suggestions… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Pope Wanted Muslim Turkey Kept Out of EU

In 2004 Cardinal Ratzinger, the future pope, spoke out against letting a Muslim state join, although at the time the Vatican was formally neutral on the question… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Ahmadinejad Ordered Capture of British Servicemen ‘For Domestic Reasons’

In conversations with foreign ministry officials in Brunei, US diplomats hear what their counterparts believe was behind the capture of 15 British servicemen and women by Iran earlier in the month. The Brunei officials say they think… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Switzerland’s Biggest Challenge is Its Continuing Crisis with Libya

A secret October 2009 cable from Bern, written by the US ambassador Donald Beyer, briefed Hillary Clinton for her upcoming Swiss trip (on October 10, 2009) to Zürich about “the biggest challenge on Switzerland’s foreign policy front… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: UK – We’re Not Importing Moderate Imams

A Home office official plays down press reports concerning British plans to “import” moderate Pakistani imams as part of efforts to reduce the terror threat in the UK… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: A quickfire Tour of Muslim Britain

Two US officials dip into Muslim communities in Luton, Leicester and east London and are struck by the range of opinions and cultures on display… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Britain Making Little Progress in Engaging Muslim Community

Britain made “little progress” in reaching out to Muslim communities despite investing “considerable time and resources” after the 7/7 London bombings in 2005, US diplomats concluded in cables passed to… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: President of Mali Links Drug Trafficking to Terrorism

When an unidentified plane crashed into the desert in northern Mali in November 2009, it was immediately suspected of smuggling cocaine from Latin America. The west African route to the lucrative European markets had been growing in… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Iraqi PM Claims U.S. Oil Company in Contact with Iran

The US energy firm Chevron negotiated with Tehran about developing an Iraq-Iran cross-border oilfield in spite of tight US sanctions, according to the Iraqi prime minister in… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Indian Muslims Reject Extremist Creeds

India’s over 150 million Muslim population is largely unattracted to extremism. India’s growing economy, vibrant democracy, and inclusive culture, encourage Muslims to seek success and social mobility in the mainstream and… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Don’t Tell Us What To Do, India Warns U.S.

In a meeting shortly after controversial stopover visit of Iranian president – who told Indian prime minister that the “world is changing in Iran’s favour” – Delhi’s top diplomat was uncomplimentary about the visitor to… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: U.S. Concern over Suspicious Indian Shipment to Iran

U.S. officials convey concern over a missing consignment of potentially nuclear-grade graphite that an Indian company intended to ship to Iran… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Sudan, Chad and the quest for resolution

A debrief on Nicolas Sarkozy’s visit to Chad reveals growing moves against Sudan. Chinese officials urge caution on prosecution president Omar al-Bashir, insisting it will only serve to destabilise Sudan… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Armenians Trigger Radiation Alarm on Georgian Border but are Waved Through

A confidential cable from the US embassy in Tbilisi records an incident in August last year when a car carrying three Armenians set off a detector on the Georgian-Armenian border. The driver was waved on by customs guards… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Yemen Sounds Alarm over Radioactive Materials

Yemen radioactive stocks ‘were easy al-Qaida target.’ Sana’a official told US diplomats solo sentry had been removed from atomic facility and CCTV system was broken… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Syrië Verdacht Israël van Moordaanslag

De Syrische autoriteiten verdachten Israël van de moordaanslag op Mohammed Suleiman, de top veiligheidsadviseur van de Syrische president Bashar al-Assad. Het was laat in de avond op 1 augustus 2008 in de Syrische kuststad Tartus toen een scherpschutter… Lees verder

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WikiLeaks Scandal Deprives Turkey’s Ruling Party of its Cherished American Cover

U.S. power still matters in Turkey, and the revelation that the AKP does not enjoy universal American support is unwelcome news for the ruling party. The perception that it enjoyed full U.S. support was instrumental in the… Continue reading

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WikiLeaks: Taliban Stockpiling Drug to Manipulate Street Price in the West

Head of UN office on drugs and crime Antonio Maria Costa warns of new sophisticated market tactics in Afghanistan: Afghan gangs and Taliban stockpiling drug to manipulate street price in the west… Continue reading