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Ankara’s Unacknowledged Genocide

The Ottoman Empire tolerated the existence of vast non-Muslim subject populations in its midst, provided they acknowledged their legal and institutional inferiority in the Islamic order of things. When these groups dared to question their subordinate status, they were brutally suppressed, and none more so than the Armenians… Continue reading

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The Turkish Naval Base at the Dead Sea during World War I

The Dead Sea was a major supply route for the Turkish army between eastern and western Palestine during WWI… Continue reading

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Why Were Antique German Weapons Found at the Dead Sea in Recent Months?

Last month Israeli newspapers reported on the discovery of a huge cache of guns, bullets, artillery shells and mines in the Dead Sea… Continue reading

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Letter from Prague: What The Betrayal of Czechoslovakia in 1938 Can Teach Us About The World and Israel Today

Visiting the Czech Republic prompts thoughts of the 1938 Munich agreement… Continue reading

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Ahmadinejad’s decision to appoint an ally as advisor on international affairs strongly criticized

A decision made by President Ahmadinejad last week to appoint his ally Ali Sa’idlou as vice-president on international affairs… Continue reading

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Tell Me What They’re Reading and I’ll Tell You Who Will Win?

There’s an interesting point about pre-World War One Europe that applies very well to today’s international situation as well… Continue reading

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The Alawi Capture of Power in Syria

For many centuries, the ‘Alawis were the weakest, poorest, most rural, most despised, and most backward people of Syria… Continue reading

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Beginning To Restore The Land

The land, unloved by its rulers and uncared for by most of its handful of inhabitants, whose silences Lamartine had likened to those of ruined Pompeii, and which Mark Twain had compassionately consigned to the world of dreams, began to come to life again with the blossoming of Jewish restoration in the nineteenth century… Continue reading

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Diplomatic Incident Between Iran and Turkey on “Slaughter of Armenians”

A vice president’s mention of the slaughter of the Armenian people in World War I has sparked a diplomatic incident between Iran and Turkey this week. Speaking at a conference titled… Continue reading

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Bring Back the Caliphate

The Islamists’ embrace of Osman, a descendant of the westernized Ottoman sultans, provides a periscope into the Islamist mind: Islamism is not about religion or reality. Rather it is a myth and a subversion of reality intended to promote Islamism… Continue reading

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Turkey’s Transformation Under The AKP

The rise of the Justice and Development Party (AKP), a party rooted in Turkey’s Islamist opposition, to government in 2002 introduced new social, political, and foreign policy winds across the Turkish society. After seven years of AKP rule, the Anatolian Turks are bending over to the power of the AKP, orthopraxy and the Islamist mindset in foreign policy are taking hold… Continue reading

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McMahon – Husayn Correspondence (1915-1916)

At the awakening of Arab Nationalism and the start of the first World War (1914-1918), the European Governments attempted to gain the sympathies of the Arabs with promises of independence from the Ottoman Empire and other foreign powers… Continue reading