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Seventy years ago, British Palestine could have become a Palestinian Arab State

What is truly remarkable is that the debate at that time and on that specific day was almost precisely identical to the situation on the day you’re reading this article. If you can understand these events, it is possible to comprehend why the conflict has ended this long with no end in sight… Continue reading

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Egypt Constructing a Wall along the Egypt-Gaza Border

The Egyptians have begun the construction of an underground wall along the Egypt-Gaza Strip border. The wall, made of steel plates, will be nine kilometers (5.6 miles) long and very deep. It is being built to prevent smuggling from Egypt to the Gaza Strip… Continue reading

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Common Sense in Egypt and Saudi Arabia

In today’s Middle Eastern cold war, the Islamic Republic of Iran heads the revolutionary bloc, while the governments of Saudi Arabia and Egypt head the opposing status-quo bloc. How anxious are the Saudi and Egyptian populations of the Iranian nuclear weapons buildup… Continue reading

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Islam Fysiologisch Gewelddadig en Historisch Conflictueus

Allam, geboren in Egypte in 1952, typeerde zich in Italië altijd als een niet-praktiserende moslim. Hij staat bekend als een pleitbezorger van interreligieuze tolerantie. Ook is hij een fel criticus van islamitisch extremisme. Omdat hij in moslimkringen wordt beschouwd als afvallige, ontvangt hij geregeld doodsbedreigingen… Continue reading

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The Middle Eastern Cold War

A cold war is “the key to understanding the Middle East in the 21st century.” So argue Yigal Carmon and three of his colleagues at the Middle East Media and Research Institute (MEMRI) in a recent study, “An Escalating Regional Cold War.” They have identified a major confrontation that the media has somehow missed… Continue reading

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Al-Tawthiq and its Anti-Israel Campaign

A Hamas “ministry of justice” committee called Al-Tawthiq (Documentation) claims to be behind the arrest warrant issued in Britain for former Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni. It is part of the Hamas campaign to pursue Israelis in Europe in the name of the victims of Operation Cast Lead… Continue reading

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Jihad and Islamic Theology

When I was still a member of what is probably best termed the British Jihadi Network, a series of semi-autonomous British Muslim terrorist groups linked by a single ideology, I remember how we used to laugh in celebration whenever people… Continue reading

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Iran Hostage Crisis – Letter from Carter to Khomeini

The Iran hostage crisis was a diplomatic crisis between Iran and the United States (during the Jimmy Carter Administration) where 53 Americans were held hostage for 444 days from November 4, 1979 to January 20, 1981, after a group of Islamist students and militants took over the American embassy. United States President Jimmy Carter wrote a letter to Ayatollah Khomeini asking the release of the American Hostages… Continue reading

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Why there is a Turkish carpet on the psychiatric couch

A closer look at Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s world view, mixing Western concepts of progress, modern Turkish nationalism and Islamic traditions. But does all this go hand in hand with his attitude towards women… Continue reading

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The Crusades and Islam

We often hear so-called “experts” in the West say that especially the Crusades have been the main cause for the negative attitude of Muslims towards the so-called “Christian countries,” which is totally wrong given the… Continue reading

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The Founding of the Israel Defence Force – IDF

As a result of the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, the Provisional Government of Israel also declared the establishment of the Defence Army of Israel, consisting of land forces, a navy and an air force. Prior to the establishment of the State of Israel, a number of armed Jewish defense groups operated in British Palestine… Continue reading

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Het Iraanse Revolutionaire Garde Korps

Het Iraanse Revolutionaire Garde Korps (Sepāh e Pāsdārān e Enqelāb e Eslāmi) staat in Iran ook bekend als de ‘Pasdaran’ en als ‘Sepah’. Deze uit ideologisch gedreven en streng geselecteerde vrijwilligers bestaande eenheid – die geheel los staat van het Iraanse leger – werd… Continue reading

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Has Hizbullah changed?

Some Western analysts believe the political manifesto published in the wake of Hizbullah’s 7th General Conference at the end of November 2009 represented a fundamental change in Hizbullah policy. But has Hizbullah really changed… Continue reading

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PLO Letter of Recognition

Israel-Palestine Liberation Organization letters of recognition (or Israel-PLO Recognition or Letters of Mutual Recognition) were a series of official letters of recognition between the government of Israel and… Continue reading

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Jihad Web 2.0

This week, Thomas Friedman, wrote an article about the virtual warfare (using internet) that’s going on in recruiting new jihadists for the Global Jihad. He calls on the Arabs and Muslims around the world to speak out against the radical Jihadists and the terroristic organizations and if necessary to start a civil war against them… Continue reading

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What about the good things from the Afghan Taliban?

We’re getting used to it by now, the bizarre inability to recognize evil, the cultural relativism that excuses real political and war crimes, and the lack of faith by Westerners in their own civilization and religion. Yet each strange juxtapositions never fail to shock those who still remember the way things are supposed to be, and must be if the forces of dictatorship and repression are going to be beaten… Continue reading

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Lees tussen de ‘leugens’

We horen vaak dat de Islam een religie van vrede is. En ik ken enkelen die aan deze beschrijving voldoen. Maar landen die een bijna 100% Islamitische bevolking hebben – Afghanistan, Somalië, Saoudi-Arabië en Jemen – lijken alles behalve vredig… Continue reading

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Obama hails Erdogan as “friend”, despite Turkey’s shifting away from Israel and the West

In a report U.S. President Obama characterized Turkey as “a great country” and Turkey’s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan “as a personal friend”. Obama said also that he was optimistic about the prospect of “stronger and stronger” bilateral ties in the future. According to Obama Turkey could be “an important player” in efforts to prod Iran to keep its nuclear program peaceful. But in saying this, questions arise about Obama’s… Continue reading

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We are all Tzipi Livni

The latest episode in which, to paraphrase Karl von Clausewitz, law is used as the continuation of war by other means, involved the threat to arrest former foreign minister Tzipi Livni on the nonsensical charge that she committed war crimes during Operation Cast Lead… Continue reading

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An Open Letter to the Arab World

In an historic and unprecedented article, Ayalon calls on the Arab world to accept Israel’s extended hand in peace and fraternity. The Deputy Foreign Minister calls on the Arab world to step forward and join with Israel to defeat the forces of extremism and destruction in the Middle East… Continue reading

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Abbas demands UN resolution of 1967 borders

The Palestinians will demand a United Nations resolution declaring that all lands seized by Israel in 1967 are occupied territory because of stalled peace talks, which will only resume if Israel halts settlement building, Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas said… Continue reading

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Iran’s political crisis continues

It’s remarkable how the Western Governments (and the mainstream media) are sleeping in silence about Iran’s political crisis and Ahmadinejad’s dictatorship, since the elections in Iran (summer 2009) and the mass protests of the Iranian people… Continue reading

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Hamas marks 22nd anniversary with pledge to Liberate whole of Palestine

We will never give up on a Palestine from the river to the sea… It is not enough for Hamas to liberate Gaza… Hamas strives to liberate all of Palestine… Hamas looks toward the whole of Palestine, the liberation of the strip is just a step to liberating all of Palestine… Ahmadinejad said Iran doesn’t recognize Israel’s right to exist… Continue reading

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Syria’s “independent” Media

It’s remarkable how easy it is for Middle Eastern dictatorships to fool the West. Iran has been stringing along Europe and the United States for seven years on the pretense that it is ready to make a deal on its nuclear weapons’ drive. The Palestinians persuade the West that they really do want to make peace but just need a better offer. And so on… Continue reading

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The Sykes – Picot agreement (1916)

The Sykes-Picot (-Sazonov) agreement, concluded on 16 may 1916, was an agreement between the Governments of Britain and France and with the consent of the Russian Empire about dividing the Middle East in spheres of influence… Continue reading